How to Repair a CD With Toothpaste: 8 Steps (with …

How to Fix a Scratched CD . Method 1 of 4: Using Toothpaste. Choose a basic toothpaste. There's no need for the sparkles, swirls, and exotic flavors... Method 2 of 4: Polishing with Abrasive Compounds. Decide which compound you will use. A number of common household... Method 3 of 4: Finishing With Wax. Determine … How to fix a scratched disc; How to fix a scratched Wii Game Disc; How To Fix a Scratched Disc Like a PRO; How to resurface a scratched DVD, CD, Game Disc In 3 easy steps; How To Fix A Broken Wii Disc; FIX your SCRATCHED Disks! GCN, Wii, PS1, etc. Fix a scratched disc for cheap! (Not using toothpaste! CD/DVD only) | … I bought a bunch of PS2 games that were scratched up pretty bad. I decide to clean them up myself and try to lessen the scratches a bit. I used a power drill, 5″ buffing pad, and the NOVUS (3, 2, & 1) plastic restoration kit. This video is to show the end results to a person who was interested in the games. 15.02.2016 · How to fix your super smash bros brawl game disc with toothpaste Thanks nintendo. Loading ... Fix a scratched disc for cheap! (Not using toothpaste! CD/DVD only) | BeatTheBush - Duration: 3:50. Did you know you can fix a damaged disc with toothpaste? Well, you can! In this video, discover how to use that old tube of Colgate or Crest for more than cleaning your teeth. It's easy, quick and could save you a ton of money, you would've spent replacing those discs. How to Remove scratches from an XBox game with … 5 Ways to Fix a Scratched Xbox Game - wikiHow How to fix your super smash bros brawl game disc with ... How to Fix a scratched disc with toothpaste « … Have a question? Head over to Disc Repair Kits - This video will show you how to fix a scratched, damag... The toothpaste trick does work. The people who say it doesn’t obviously have a disc with too deep a scratch, or are just using too much toothpaste or scrubbing too hard. The key is too not only scrub gently, but to make sure to have the right amount of toothpaste. I use Crest toothpaste with Scope in it, and it works fine. 16.12.2019 · Need to play a scratched disc and can't? Here's how to fix a scratched DVD or CD with toothpaste and other household items. Your compact disc (CD) is scratched and won't play. Perhaps it is an album of music, maybe you have photos on the disc. Or perhaps it's a DVD that is scratched, with your favorite movie on it, or even a game disc. 01.03.2013 · At this stage the toothpaste may be enough to restore the disc to a playable state so try that first. Failing that go to a reputable furniture polish such as Pledge. Rub gently with a soft cloth, buff to finish with straight strokes from center to … 13.09.2017 · That's what GameStop does. If you put a micrometer on a new game, and then the same game bought from them pre-owned, you'll find the pre-owned is often thinner. In some cases you can actually see the difference in thickness. In the early 360 days you had a lot of idiots moving their console while it was on with a disc … At this stage the toothpaste may be enough to restore the disc to a playable state so try that first. Failing that go to a reputable furniture polish such as Pledge. Rub gently with a soft cloth, buff to finish with straight strokes from center to outside edge.03.09.2020 · Hold the PlayStation game disc under cold water to get the shiny side wet. 3 Apply (roughly) a dime-sized amount of toothpaste to your cloth. Use more or less depending on the amount of scratches on the disc.Need to play a scratched disc and can't? Here's how to fix a scratched DVD or CD with toothpaste and other household items. Your compact disc (CD) is scratched and won't play. Perhaps it is an album of music, maybe you have photos on the disc. Or perhaps it's a DVD that is scratched, with your favorite movie on it, or even a game disc.20.12.2008 · How is it possible? like if I wanted to fix a scratched game disk. I just rub toothpaste on it and it's supposed to make it readable again? That doesn't make any sense. A scratch is like a cut or a long thin dent in the material. If someone cuts your arm with a knife, and you pour liquid on it, will flesh magically appear over the gash?Sometimes the paste may cause new scratching, but it will be merely superficial and easily removed. After clearing the scratches, wash the CD in water and dry with a soft cloth. When you apply light abrassives like this, try to rub from the inside ring of the disc toward the outter edge. Try to avoid rubbing in circles.13.09.2017 · Use stick deodorant (white). Toothpaste is too abrasive. Bath the disc in water to lift the dust particles (don't scrub, just rinse), pat dry it with a soft cloth, preferably micro-fiber. Clean with an alcohol solution and tissue moving from the inside out.You'll need to get some alcohol and a glass cleaning rag. Pour some alcohol on the disc (make sure you have enough to cover up the disc, and block the drain in the sink) Put some water in the alcohol. Let it soak for about 15 mins.20.03.2009 · my game doesnt work because its scratched how do i fix itFix a scratched up disc without using toothpaste ... Fix a scratched up disc without using toothpaste. ... Entertainment How To Music & Dance News & Events People & Stories Pets & Animals Science & Tech Sports Travel & Outdoors Video Games Wheels & Wings Other 18+ Only Fashion. Log in / Sign up.Fixing a cracked game disc depends on the severity of the affected part of the disc. If your GTA V game disc is still operational on your Xbox even if it has a crack in the center, you can still fix it following the procedures stated in this article with the help of toothpaste, water, and a clean cloth.Toothpaste is a very mild abrasive. There are particles of aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, various calcium hydrogen phosphates, various silicas and zeolites, and hydroxyapatite in toothpaste, but all are tiny - somewhat below the 0.5 microm... 26.01.2008 · Ryan shows us how to fix a scratched CD using toothpaste. video shows you how to clean a compact disk using peroxide and toothpaste as the cleaning agents.First of all, put the disk in a mixture of water and a bit of peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. Then, you must take out the disk and apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the whole disk's surface.This video shows you how to clean a compact disk using peroxide and toothpaste as the cleaning agents.First of all, put the disk in a mixture of water and a bit of peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. Then, you must take out the disk and apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the whole disk's surface.How to Repair/buff a Disc for Cheap: I went to GameStop the other day and paid $7.99 for 2 fluid ounces of their "disc skip liquid". After about the 4th day of using it (And this stuff really works great, by the way) I found the smell to be really familiar, but I just couldn't place it…13.11.2007 · I try to play a GameCube disc from my neighbor, but it's scratched and sadly the message that says: "The game disc could not be readed. Please consult Gamecube Guide for more information" Is shown. Now, it's REALLY scratched but they're hair-like scratches. Now, how do I fix it? I need a way to do it at home, because I have no CD burner or game store nearby.19.07.2009 · How to get fix DEEP game disc scratches!, Hello guys, Flipsii here with a trick that will hopefully help you run those discs with deep scratches in them. Hopefully, your game will be working in ab, Archives, Archives, RuneScape Pictures & Videos, RuneScape Server Development, Characters: Level 100-149, Characters: Levels 100-149, Characters: Levels 150 - 200, RS2 Guide Sales, Runescape Private ...Option One:Get some plain toothpaste. Not toothpaste that has crystals or whitening chemicals or anything else in it.Grab a soft cloth such as chamois or a soft paper towel.Squeeze some toothpaste ...02.03.2009 · incase you don't know, the disc has miniscule bumps and notches over the bottom that are burned in with a lazer and a lazer in your 360 goes along reading this and turning them into data on your console, if you simply fill in the scratch like you are using polyfiller or something, you don't have these bumps and notches, their is no data, nothing to be read, your game is dead.Does anybody have any tips on how to fix my disc because I dont really want to drop 30 bucks on a used game of it when gt: world tour is coming out soon. Any help would be appreciated. 12 years agoThis how-to video shows you a very simple method to remove scratches on your DVDs and CDs! The magic fixer is toothpaste. Don't throw out any of your favorite movies, records, or software. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to rescue and repair scratched CDs.
How to Fix a Scratched Video Game: 12 Steps (with …

10.08.2010 · DIY Disc Repair - Fix Scratched Games, DVDs and CDs - Resurfacing Tool - Duration: ... How to clean an xbox 360 disc with toothpaste - Duration: 3:37. ItsHallucinational 59,763 views. 15.02.2016 · How to fix your super smash bros brawl game disc with toothpaste Thanks nintendo. Loading ... Fix a scratched disc for cheap! (Not using toothpaste! CD/DVD only) | BeatTheBush - Duration: 3:50. 10.02.2009 · IF YOU WANT THE BEST RESULTS FOR CLEANING GAMES WITH TOOTHPASTE AND THE MOST ENTERTAINING VIDEO FOR IT CLICK HERE So my friend came over to my house and I showed him a game that did not work for ...
How to fix a damaged or scratched DVD/CD/Game with ...

21.08.2008 · You may be searching to find out whether it is actually true that using toothpaste can save your CD media. The short answer is YES! I broke a game disk for an xbox 360 when I tipped it up on its side (while the disk was still running). 25.12.2010 · amazing Smells minty lots of paste tooth outwoods not in circles fix a disc like 5 star subscribe. Did you know you can fix a damaged disc with toothpaste? Well, you can! In this video, discover how to use that old tube of Colgate or Crest for more than cleaning your teeth. It's easy, quick and could save you a ton of money, you would've spent replacing those discs.
How to fix your precious CD/ DVD/ Game disk with …

05.03.2010 · Here's a great homemade remedy to fix that pesky scratched CD, DVD, or game disc. Who knows when that old Rush album you found between the couch cushions might come in handy... Other things that you might have to watch out for is how deep the scratch is so sometimes it might not work and other time it might it … 27.06.2012 · To get rid of minor scratches, wet the disc under the tap, apply a dime-sized amount of toothpaste to the disc with a clean cloth, and gently rub the scratched areas 10-15 times. Finally, rinse your disc under lukewarm water to clean off the toothpaste, then leave it to air dry before you put it in your Playstation. 12.07.2014 · Step 1, Take a small amount of toothpaste and lay it on your preferred disc.Step 2, Apply the paste on the disc in a circular pattern. Remember this as the friction the circular motion creates results in the removal of scratches.Step 3, After about 10 minutes, wash the disc thoroughly with cold water.
Can You Fix A Broken Video Game With Tooth Paste? - …

25.12.2010 · amazing Smells minty lots of paste tooth outwoods not in circles fix a disc like 5 star subscribe. How To Repair A Scratched CD or DVD - RetroGaming … 20.12.2008 · How is it possible? like if I wanted to fix a scratched game disk. I just rub toothpaste on it and it's supposed to make it readable again? That doesn't make any sense. A scratch is like a cut or a long thin dent in the material. If someone cuts your arm with a knife, and you pour liquid on it, will flesh magically appear over the … The game I originally tried to fix by hand still won't work, but I blame my polishing-by-hand. – splattered bits Nov 9 '11 at 11:50. ... Apply the toothpaste on the disk. Rub the toothpaste on the disc in a straight motion (not in a circular motion) from the center to the outer edges. 29.07.2017 · I took my scratched disc and put toothpaste on it it actually works china mobile games and entertainment group cmge get on top free games 66 Fix a scratched up disc without using toothpaste ... Fix a scratched up disc without using toothpaste. ... Entertainment How To Music & Dance News & Events People & Stories Pets & Animals Science & Tech Sports Travel & Outdoors Video Games Wheels & Wings Other 18+ Only Fashion. Log in / Sign up. This video shows you how to clean a compact disk using peroxide and toothpaste as the cleaning agents.First of all, put the disk in a mixture of water and a bit of peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. Then, you must take out the disk and apply a thin layer of toothpaste on the whole disk's surface. Let it sit like that for … Toothpaste is a very mild abrasive. There are particles of aluminum hydroxide, calcium carbonate, various calcium hydrogen phosphates, various silicas and zeolites, and hydroxyapatite in toothpaste, but all are tiny - … 13.11.2007 · I try to play a GameCube disc from my neighbor, but it's scratched and sadly the message that says: "The game disc could not be readed. Please consult Gamecube Guide for more information" Is shown. Now, it's REALLY scratched but they're hair-like scratches. Now, how do I fix it? I need a way to do it at home, because I have no CD burner or game … Option One:Get some plain toothpaste. Not toothpaste that has crystals or whitening chemicals or anything else in it.Grab a soft cloth such as chamois or a soft paper towel.Squeeze some toothpaste ... 19.07.2009 · How to get fix DEEP game disc scratches!, Hello guys, Flipsii here with a trick that will hopefully help you run those discs with deep scratches in them. Hopefully, your game will be working in ab, Archives, Archives, RuneScape Pictures & Videos, RuneScape Server Development, Characters: Level 100-149, Characters: … 01.11.2007 · This how-to video shows you a very simple method to remove scratches on your DVDs and CDs! The magic fixer is toothpaste. Don't throw out any of your favorite movies, records, or software. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to rescue and repair scratched CDs. For PlayStation 4 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs Q&A question titled "Disc scratched and not playing. How to fix it?". 18.09.2018 · hi guys welcome to Talha Shafique in this video i will show you How to fix a scratched disc ? how to fix a scratched disc ? How do you fix … You can also use toothpaste to remove small scratches from glass. First, wipe the glass clean using a glass cleaner and a lint-free cloth. Again, squeeze a fingertip-size dollop of toothpaste onto a soft cloth and work it into the scratches using gentle circular motions for 30 to 40 seconds. 09.09.2011 · Basicly, it works. This video is unavailable. Watch Queue Queue 04.07.2008 · Table of Contents:Prep your CDThe ProcessSanding and Polishing by MachinePrevention advertisement You know how it goes. You’re kicking back in your car or your favorite easy chair listening to your favorite song on the CD player, when bam, it starts jumping around incomprehensibly. Don’t trash your CD just yet, try … Toothpaste and other solutions are much more likely to result in damage of your system from the foreign partials that are not removed during restoration attempts than to fix the broken disc. Try ... No, that's a myth. However there are plenty of cheap ways to fix disks that are scratched. The best cheap way is to buy a used game because most of the home remedies do not work Keep in mind that the disc should be clean and dry. Do not allow even a little bit of moisture to remain on the disc or else it may cause further damage to your precious game disc. Other Methods to Clean an Xbox 360 Disc. Many people ask a question how to clean an Xbox 360 with toothpaste. How to Clean Playstation Games: 12 Steps (with Pictures ... 19.10.2012 · #4 Toothpaste Toothpaste, especially the abrasive baking soda kind seems too rough for removing scratches; I was worried it would add scratches of its own to the disk, but I gave it a try. On the minimally scratched disk, I rubbed very gently with Colgate as I tried to clean off scratches and scrapes.10.08.2010 · DIY Disc Repair - Fix Scratched Games, DVDs and CDs - Resurfacing Tool - Duration: ... How to clean an xbox 360 disc with toothpaste - Duration: 3:37. …21.08.2008 · You may be searching to find out whether it is actually true that using toothpaste can save your CD media. The short answer is YES! I broke a game disk for an xbox 360 when I tipped it up on its side (while the disk was still running).10.02.2009 · IF YOU WANT THE BEST RESULTS FOR CLEANING GAMES WITH TOOTHPASTE AND THE MOST ENTERTAINING VIDEO FOR IT CLICK HERE So my friend came over to my house and I showed him a game …Spread toothpaste on the disc. This disc repair method should be used as a last resort. Using plain, white toothpaste, rub a quarter-sized amount in a circular motion with your fingers on the disc. Cover the reflective side of the disc completely.02.07.2010 · While holding your CD in one hand, being careful to avoid touching the center, coat the CD with toothpaste. You should try to cover one small area at a time, with a thin layer of toothpaste. Apply the toothpaste in a circular motion. After the entire playing area is covered with toothpaste, set it aside.