Which Hunger Games Character Are YOU? - Playbuzz

The Hunger Games is one of the most popular young adult series ever, and it dealt with many intense themes of war, inequality, violence, and entertainment. While the series did touch on many important issues, the romance elements of the story were very traditional. RELATED: The Hunger Games: 5 Characters Who Deserved More (& 5 Who Got Their Due) The series only had heterosexual characters, and ... I am Effie Trinket! Which Hunger Games Character Are You? May 2020. You just want to make everyone happy and have everyone love you. But don’t get too close; you might get your outfit wrinkled. You are genuinely a nice person to the people you like, and as for the rest, well, you’re sure they have people who are nice to them too. What is the main character in The Hunger Games? Asked by Wiki User. 13 14 15. Answer. Top Answer. Wiki User Answered . 2012-02-06 04:22:16 2012-02-06 04:22:16. Detailed analysis of Characters in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games (Series). Learn all about how the characters in The Hunger Games (Series) such as Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark contribute to the story and how they fit into the plot. 27.10.2010 · Which character are you most like from the Hunger Games series? Which character are you most like from the Hunger Games series? Sign up Log in. Home Stories Quizzes Create Profile. Settings Language. ... Which Hunger Games Character are you? Mark. 1. 6 If you were a mentor for the Hunger Games, ... what character are you in the hunger games?? THE HUNGER GAMES: What character are you? Quiz: Which Hunger Games Character Are You Most Like? List of The Hunger Games characters - Wikipedia I love these kinds of quizzes so i decided to make one:] Take this quiz! You have just been picked for the Hunger Games, what do you do? You're on the train heading to the capitol. What do you do? The gong has just sounded. What do you do Youre hungry would you kill anyone? where would you sleep? you Which 'Hunger Games' character are you? Suzanne Collins's "The Hunger Games" is now in theaters.Whether you've read the book series, or you're simply curious what all the fuss is about, take this ... For 40 % you are: Katniss Everdeen. You love your family and YOU ARE THE MOCKINGJAY! 22 % of 3467 Quiz participants had this profile! 17.11.2014 · Primrose Everdeen. Loving and likable, you're the person everyone wants to be friends with as soon as they meet you. You're thoughtful, compassionate, and helpful, and people regularly take note ... 10.09.2016 · If You Were In The “Hunger Games”, Which Character Would YOU Be? 10th September 2016. ... You've been selected for the games, and you're set to go through the interviews, the Viewing, and the parade. ... I know that I am not strong enough to intervene, ... Totally addicted to Hunger Games series? Want to know which one of its characters fits your personality? Take this quiz to see which Hunger Games: Catching Fire character you are!Have you ever wondered what character you would be in the series The Hunger Games? Pssshhh, what am I saying? Of course you have! Who hasn't? $1 $1Take this quiz and found out what could possibly be a new, hidden side of you, or not be surprised at all (duh, you SHOULD know yourself best). Take this quiz! The Hunger Games start and the gong sounds.For 40 % you are: Katniss Everdeen. You love your family and YOU ARE THE MOCKINGJAY! 22 % of 3467 Quiz participants had this profile!what character are you in the hunger games?? 3 Comments" lots of people try to act like there favorite character in the hunger games. so i decided to let them see from my point of view who they are. find out who YOU are!Detailed analysis of Characters in Suzanne Collins's The Hunger Games (Series). Learn all about how the characters in The Hunger Games (Series) such as Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark contribute to the story and how they fit into the plot.I love these kinds of quizzes so i decided to make one:] Take this quiz! You have just been picked for the Hunger Games, what do you do? You're on the train heading to the capitol. What do you do? The gong has just sounded. What do you do Youre hungry would you kill anyone? where would you sleep? youIt is unclear whether she is doing this out of friendship or if she has been paid. Greasy Sae is not directly mentioned in the Hunger Games movies, but a character who is presumably her is seen dealing with Katniss; she gives the mockingjay pin to Katniss in the movie, although in the book, Madge gave Katniss the pin.06.05.2011 · The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins is one of those, I'm ashamed to say, books that I have never read yet - like Harry Potter. But despite that, I am still interested by its story and might read the books in the future. But for now, let's just get into a fun quiz mode, courtesy of ProProfs.com and the creator of this particular quiz, bmckg.Which 'Hunger Games: Mockingjay' Character Are You? Written by JJ Duncan. Begin Quiz. of. SCORE: 0 (opens in a new window) Next Question. Advertisement. . . What did you get? Leave a Comment!Which hunger games character are you? Find out which character you`re most like based on the novel hunger games by susanne collins . ... 3:11:52 AM EST (GMT-5) quote message. Peeta . You are the golden boy. You are strong, artistic, and a big softy. You are unselfish and wear your heart on your sleeve, but you kick serious @$$ when it's called for.Which 'Hunger Games' character are you? Suzanne Collins's "The Hunger Games" is now in theaters.Whether you've read the book series, or you're simply curious what all the fuss is about, take this ... The Hunger Games movies - and the book trilogy before them - took the world by storm when it was first released. It immediately spawned a ton of other young-adult books and movies, but none of them came close to the greatness of The Hunger Games.. RELATED: Hunger Games: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Deserved More) Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that the characters were ...10.08.2012 · What Hunger Games Character am I? Aug10 by gypsyvanner12. Peeta Mellark You are Peeta Mellark. You are great with words, an audience, and know just how to manipulate people’s emotions, always for the best reasons though. Congratulations, you have what it takes to survive! Your Answers.10.08.2012 · What Hunger Games Character am I? Aug10 by gypsyvanner12. Peeta Mellark You are Peeta Mellark. You are great with words, an audience, and know just how to manipulate people’s emotions, always for the best reasons though. Congratulations, you have what it takes to survive! Your Answers.Which Female Hunger Games Character are you? irene. 1. 6. Color Time!!!!! Don't Hurt Me Or you Die! Blue, Pink, Etc.. Red the colors of my kills. Hot Pink, Pink, Rose Pink, Just PINK! Any color i Guess... i am a rainbow!! I have no Favorites. Orange, Green and stuff like that « » Log in or ...Main characters The Hunger Games . Katniss Everdeen — The narrator, main protagonist, and District 12's female tribute, a strong-willed teenager trying to survive in the Hunger Games. She lives with her little sister Primrose (nicknamed Prim) and her mother. After her father dies in a mine explosion, she hunts to provide for her family.What do the Hunger Games characters think of you? Girls only! Hey, why not take it. It's fun, and I spent a lot of time on it. Characters are all from the first book, maybe I'll make one from the second and third later, I already read them, but it would be to much in one quiz, especially my first quiz.If You Were In the “Hunger Games,” Which Character Would You Date? 19th September 2016. In the Hunger Games, choosing a mate is about the survival of the fittest. Which Panem resident is destined to be your soulmate? Find out with this quiz, and may the odds be ever in your favor!I am Effie Trinket! Which Hunger Games Character Are You? May 2020. You just want to make everyone happy and have everyone love you. But don’t get too close; you might get your outfit wrinkled. You are genuinely a nice person to the people you like, and as for the rest, well, you’re sure they have people who are nice to them too.(Hunger Games) This includes districts 1-13 and the capitol! :D I hope you enjoy finding out which district you are from. ... Gladiolus - means strength of character. King Protea - means daring. Amaryllis - means splendid beauty. Queen Annes Lace - means sanctuary. Carnations - means pride and beauty.Hunger Game District The nation of Panem was separated into a total of thirteen nation-states known as districts, twelve of which are recognized as operational by the Capitol, and each being responsible for producing, procuring, or refining goods in a particular industry as dictated by the Capitol.
Which Hunger Games Character Are You? | BrainFall

Can you name the Hunger Games character I am thinking of? by awsumsauce Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Popular Quizzes Today. 6 to 1: Countries by Continent 19,566; 9x9 Mosaic Logic Puzzle III 9,189; Sunday Crossword: Hit the ... In this Hunger Games spoof, Kantmiss Evershot must fight for her life in the 75th annual Starving Games, where she could also win an old ham, a coupon for a foot-long sub, and a partially eaten pickle. Directors: Jason Friedberg, Aaron Seltzer | Stars: Maiara Walsh, Brant Daugherty, Cody Christian, Lauren Bowles. Votes: 18,782 Liam Hemsworth is an Australian actor who portrayed Gale Hawthorne in The Hunger Games film, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, and The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1, and the final installment, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2. 1 Life and career 1.1 1990-2014 1.2 2007-2010 1.3 2011-present 2 Personal life 2.1 Philanthropy 3 Trivia 4 …
Which Character From The Hunger Games Are You Quiz ...

21.03.2012 · There are many shocking elements in The Hunger Games, the dystopic young adult series by Suzanne Collins—it is, after all, about kids killing each... 11.06.2014 · I haven’t seen much concern about Liam Hemsworth’s muscular frame, even though his character in The Hunger Games occupies the same food-strapped world as Katniss." Further, she argues, Movie critics suspend their disbelief all the time – and when they suddenly refuse to do so for a female actor whose body looks more like an average woman’s body rather than less, it’s hard to see that ... It's part of their promotion for The Hunger Games: The Exhibition, a museum exhibit opening in New York City this summer. The experience allows fans to visit areas made to look like District 12 ...
Which Character From The Hunger Games Are You Based On ...

what character are you in the hunger games?? 3 Comments" lots of people try to act like there favorite character in the hunger games. so i decided to let them see from my point of view who they are. find out who YOU are! Have you ever wondered what character you would be in the series The Hunger Games? Pssshhh, what am I saying? Of course you have! Who hasn't? $1 $1Take this quiz and found out what could possibly be a new, hidden side of you, or not be surprised at all (duh, you SHOULD know yourself best). Take this quiz! The Hunger Games start and the gong sounds. 06.05.2011 · The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins is one of those, I'm ashamed to say, books that I have never read yet - like Harry Potter. But despite that, I am still interested by its story and might read the books in the future. But for now, let's just get into a fun quiz mode, courtesy of ProProfs.com and the creator of this particular quiz, bmckg.
Which 'Hunger Games' Character Are You? - Quiz - Zimbio

30.06.2010 · It is unclear whether she is doing this out of friendship or if she has been paid. Greasy Sae is not directly mentioned in the Hunger Games movies, but a character who is presumably her is seen dealing with Katniss; she gives the mockingjay pin to Katniss in the movie, although in the book, Madge gave Katniss the pin. If You Were In The "Hunger Games", Which Character Would ... Which "Hunger Games" District Do You Actually Belong In? May the odds be ever in your favor. by Arielle Calderon. BuzzFeed Staff. Christina Lu / BuzzFeed Lionsgate. Answer Image ... Which 'Hunger Games: Mockingjay' Character Are You? Written by JJ Duncan. Begin Quiz. of. SCORE: 0 (opens in a new window) Next Question. Advertisement. . . What did you get? Leave a Comment! Which hunger games character are you? Find out which character you`re most like based on the novel hunger games by susanne collins . ... 3:11:52 AM EST (GMT-5) quote message. Peeta . You are the golden boy. You are strong, artistic, and a big softy. You are unselfish and wear your heart on your sleeve, but you kick serious @$$ when it's called for. minecraft videos of pat and jen hunger games kung fu panda vs tai lung games Which Female Hunger Games Character are you? irene. 1. 6. Color Time!!!!! Don't Hurt Me Or you Die! Blue, Pink, Etc.. Red the colors of my kills. Hot Pink, Pink, Rose Pink, Just PINK! Any color i Guess... i am a rainbow!! I have no Favorites. Orange, Green and stuff like that « » Log in or ... If You Were In the “Hunger Games,” Which Character Would You Date? 19th September 2016. In the Hunger Games, choosing a mate is about the survival of the fittest. Which Panem resident is destined to be your soulmate? Find out with this quiz, and may the odds be ever in your favor! 14.10.2020 · Take the Quiz: Hunger Games- Who Am I?. This is a quiz about Suzanne Collins wonderful book The Hunger Games, and its characters. Theres a description of each character, then you figure out whos who. Main characters The Hunger Games . Katniss Everdeen — The narrator, main protagonist, and District 12's female tribute, a strong-willed teenager trying to survive in the Hunger Games. She lives with her little sister Primrose (nicknamed Prim) and her mother. After her father dies in a mine explosion, she hunts to provide for her family. 10.08.2012 · What Hunger Games Character am I? Aug10 by gypsyvanner12. Peeta Mellark You are Peeta Mellark. You are great with words, an audience, and know just how to manipulate people’s emotions, always for the best reasons though. Congratulations, you have what it takes to survive! Your Answers. Hunger Game District The nation of Panem was separated into a total of thirteen nation-states known as districts, twelve of which are recognized as operational by the Capitol, and each being responsible for producing, procuring, or refining goods in a particular industry as dictated by the Capitol. Are you a fan of the Hunger Games. Take this quiz now and find out which hunger games tribute you are The Hunger Games trilogy is full of badass female characters, notably the tributes. Find out which female tribute you are in this quiz! Created by Catalina On Jun 26, 2014 ... I am the most dangerous weapon. Knives, for throwing and slashing. Bow and arrow. Spear or trident. You run into a tribute! (Hunger Games) This includes districts 1-13 and the capitol! :D I hope you enjoy finding out which district you are from. ... Gladiolus - means strength of character. King Protea - means daring. Amaryllis - means splendid beauty. Queen Annes Lace - means sanctuary. Carnations - means pride and beauty. Which Hunger Games Character Are You? Are you a Katniss or a Peeta? START. parts: 29 zoe . Questions. Would you be an archery expert? Would you form an alliance or go solo? Could you fashion a weapon from anything? Would you run or hide and wait it out? Fun. Which Female Hunger Games character are you? 1 Comment. So there are a LOT of awesome female characters in the Hunger Games, but I've never found a quiz that included every single one all in one quiz so I decided to make one. 19.08.2012 · Based on the clues, guess these Hunger Games characters. All Quizzes. Random. Blog. Create / Edit Quiz. More . en-1. Login. Create Account. Ultimate Hunger Games ... Character. The girl on fire. Katniss Everdeen. Sister to ^ Primrose Everdeen. The boy with the bread. Peeta Mellark. Host of the Hunger Games Interviews. My answer is, without a doubt, Finnick Odair. Finnick Odair of District 4 was handsome. Charming. Sarcastic. Badass. And he was played to perfection by the amazing Sam Claflin. But none of those reasons are what make him my favorite. (Okay, I admi... Cato - The male tribute from District 2, one of the wealthiest districts in Panem. He is considered to be the strongest and most threatening out of all the tributes and volunteered for the Hunger Games. He is a career tribute who has trained for the Hunger Games his entire life and leads a pack of career tributes in the Games. What do the Hunger Games characters think of you? Girls only! Hey, why not take it. It's fun, and I spent a lot of time on it. Characters are all from the first book, maybe I'll make one from the second and third later, I already read them, but it would be to much in one quiz, especially my first quiz. Which (Girl) Hunger Games Character Are You? What Hunger Games Character am I thinking of? Quiz Stats. by awsumsauce Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Popular Quizzes Today. Complete the Movie Title: Animation 1,351; Tic-Tac-Trivia: History 1,343; Populous South America ...You are strong-willed, enduring, determined, and sacrificing. You are not afraid to speak your mind and there is no use in trying to change it, because you're here to get down to business and to protect your loved ones, no matter who stands in the way. Peeta Mellark. Peeta Mellark.Who are the best Hunger Games characters? Some are obviously main characters, like Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne. Some of the awesome tributes from the series.Which Character From The Hunger Games Are You Quiz! 10 Questions | By Bmckg | Last updated: Aug 4, 2020 | Total Attempts: 132563 . Start. More The Hunger Games Character Quizzes. ... Pretend that I am enjoying it but really I am terribly scared and sad for my family. G.16.05.2020 · The Hunger Games movies - and the book trilogy before them - took the world by storm when it was first released. It immediately spawned a ton of other young-adult books and movies, but none of them came close to the greatness of The Hunger Games.. RELATED: Hunger Games: 5 Characters Who Got Fitting Endings (& 5 Who Deserved More) Perhaps one of the reasons for this is that the characters were ...From Katniss to Cato, find out which 'Hunger Games' character best matches your personality.