The Useless Website - TAKE ME

Useless definition, of no use; not serving the purpose or any purpose; unavailing or futile: It is useless to reason with him. See more. The original. Check out dozens of the most enjoyably pointless and totally useless websites on the internet. Just move the mouse. Click for a new effect. 16.02.2017 · Another Useless Website. RANDOM; Useless Websites List; Submit Website; Contact Us; Coronavirus Ninja; RoadBlocks. AnotherUselessWebsite Published: 02/16/2017 Last update: 11/17/2017 No comments. RoadBlocks CLICK TO VIEW WEBSITE. RoadBlocks – Bounce the ball off the blocks to drive it in the red spot. Take me to a useless website ... Death note type game Kaleidoscope - TAKE ME TO A USELESS WEBSITE - Pointless websites Danzorz - Looping anime dancing - Another Useless Website Play The Most Useless Game, a free online game on Kongregate useless websites: Home; The most useless websites. Thank you! feed the head. doggy. eel slap! Jump and go. don't move your mouse fast! Blue ball machine! Cat bounce. Don't click or bad things will happen. Point at the pointer! ducks. Fat lady loves apples. Sad … 17.08.2016 · Trust me, you’ll have a good laugh. Every site has an interesting element to captivate your interest for no prominent reason. Well, you can thank me later for the good pointless sites collection. It works best if you just need something unique but hilarious. These useless sites may be of no use to you but will make you laugh at least. Useless Game: This is my take on the Useless Machine/Box (or Ultimate Machine - originally invented by Claude Shannon) that switches itself off if you turn it on. In this case you can play a game against the machine that will always result in a draw or win or los… 17.11.2012 · Take Me To A Useless Website > Please < Last edited Sat Nov 17, 2012, 08:55 PM - Edit history (2) Click on the image.... It is awesomely useless More useless websites: 3. Tweet: 19 replies, 732883 views. Thread info Bookmark this thread Trash this thread. Reply to this thread. Weird or Confusing... there's a lot of strange stuff out there! This is your one stop destination for all that is strange. 17.11.2012 · Take Me To A Useless Website > Please < Last edited Sat Nov 17, 2012, 08:55 PM - Edit history (2) Click on the image.... It is awesomely useless More useless websites: 3. Tweet: 19 replies, 732883 views. Thread info Bookmark this thread Trash this thread. Reply to this thread.Useless Game: This is my take on the Useless Machine/Box (or Ultimate Machine - originally invented by Claude Shannon) that switches itself off if you turn it on. In this case you can play a game against the machine that will always result in a draw or win or los…Take Me To A Useless Website Scary Maze Game Episode Gaming 2 The Finger Deal With It ... The useless web take me to a useless website the top search engines links take me to another useless website please 8 staggering beauty take me to a useless website you. Share. Tweet. Email.The Useless Websites link... take me somewhere... useless web. TAKE ME TO A USELESS WEBSITE, PLEASE! Check out the most of useless Websites.Weird or Confusing... there's a lot of strange stuff out there! This is your one stop destination for all that is strange.Kongregate free online game The Most Useless Game - Enemies constantly appears, collect bonus-shaped green + to survive.. Play The Most Useless Game17.11.2012 · It's not new, it's not clever, but it is a great way to waste time. Welcome to The Useless Web, a curated collection of some of the world's most pointless websites. It's essentially a giant button...Space Space Kittens Take Me To A Useless Webstite Useless websites Video Games websites. Previous Post Next Post . You Might Also Like. Blueberry & Kittens – 24/7 KittenCam LA livestream #berrykittens February 6, 2019. Momma cat feeding kittens January 13, 2018. The Kitten Diaries – Who Let The Dogs Out?18.05.2018 · Trust me, you’ll have a good laugh. Every site has an interesting element to captivate your interest for no prominent reason. Well, you can thank me later for the good pointless sites collection. It works best if you just need something unique but hilarious. These useless sites may be of no use to you but will make you laugh at least.A website to remember. WARNING: CONTAINS FLASHING IMAGES 包含闪烁的图像. Enquiries Embed24.06.2017 · So, take me to a useless website, you would say. 30+ Most useless websites on the internet. Here we have a list of 30+ Most useless websites on the internet. This website will surely excite you. Let explore our list of the most useless websites on the internet. 1. Switch of the light. This is a useless website but it’s actually an amazing one. The Useless Quiz. 4 Comments. This, is a test. Of the strange... Of the creepy... Of the stupid and useless! But, you can pass this test if you study useless facts in your spare time! Are YOU Useless, Smart, or just plain stupid? Well to find out, you just have to take the useless quiz! It's the best useless quiz to take when you are bored!The site hes been incredibly popular (mainly because of it being featured on The Useless Web), but out of the millions of visitors, there was only one person ever emailed me. She was asking me to recreate the same thing but she wanted me to replace RGB with her first name. I politely declined.The site hes been incredibly popular (mainly because of it being featured on The Useless Web), but out of the millions of visitors, there was only one person ever emailed me. She was asking me to recreate the same thing but she wanted me to replace RGB with her first name. I politely declined.02.10.2013 · The Useless Web This is the first site I got when I clicked the button. I have no idea what any of the others are like, but this one amused me for a The Useless Web - "Take me to another useless website please" - REVscene Automotive ForumFun Stuff From Pointless Sites. New site every day! :o) Follow us on Twitter and get new free links every day - retweet any that you think are Brilliant / Crazy / Stupid / Useless or just Slightly Interesting;o) We aim to list only pointless and useless sites that are completely pointless, don't have pop ads, are original, are useless, are not offensive and make you smile - …Useless Websites: Sub To Join The Pack: 2nd Channel: Social Medias Twitte...Please take me to a useless website ( 2 Followers ) 2 Followers ) Projects ( 2) Comments ( 3) Curators; ActivityTake Me To This Website Hit Me A Random Website. Still Bored? This link is part of the useless websites category. Here yo will find the most pointless sites on the planet. Some are weird, some are funny, but all of them serve no purpose on the internet what so ever.Having problem connecting to even though the website appears to be online and not down? Try using some of our troubleshooting tips to resolve the problem. Try clearing your Internet cookies and browser cache. Proceed to refresh your browser by hitting the CTRL + F5 keys simultaneously.23.11.2012 · 10 Absolutely Useless Websites We Found in 2012. 1. ... a third-year game development student named Colin created a bear animation that turned into a meme referencing poorly designed 3D animation.

Take Me To A Useless Website Free Online Game. reza July 31, 2019. ... Take me to some useless website build useful web the useless web take me to some useless website build useful web top 10 useless websites you. Share. Tweet. Email. Prev Article. Next Article . About The Author Show me a. A selection of original pointless websites. Also see Pointless Sites - Tile Puzzles - Tell a friend More Pointless! Show me a ... Take Me to a Useless Game - Unique Gift Ideas - mySimon is the premier price comparison shopping online site letting you compare prices and find the best deals on all the hottest new products!
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take me to a useless website. Useless Website. October 16, 2018 | 0 Comments. USELESS WEBSITE For more keep . Recent Posts. 21 keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs you need to know; Goodbye, waste: 5 apps to stop procrastinating and wasting time; Facebook Gaming : How to make money streaming; useless websites: Home; The most useless websites. Thank you! feed the head. doggy. eel slap! Jump and go. don't move your mouse fast! Blue ball machine! Cat bounce. Don't click or bad things will happen. Point at the pointer! ducks. Fat lady loves apples. Sad for japan. Chicken on a raft. riddly diddly. 12.04.2015 · Basically, if you press please, it will take you to a random useless site, such as or Pwediepie's channel. Share your experiences with this useless website sending you to other useless websites!
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Just move the mouse. Click for a new effect. Show me a. A selection of original pointless websites. Also see Pointless Sites - Tile Puzzles - Tell a friend More Pointless! Show me a ... 15.02.2017 · Danzorz - Looping anime dancing, Caramelldansen, Popotan. View your favorite useless websites on
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28.04.2012 · Kongregate free online game The Most Useless Game - Enemies constantly appears, collect bonus-shaped green + to survive.. Play The Most Useless Game Weird or Confusing - SELL ME Space Space Kittens Take Me To A Useless Webstite Useless websites Video Games websites. Previous Post Next Post . You Might Also Like. Blueberry & Kittens – 24/7 KittenCam LA livestream #berrykittens February 6, 2019. Momma cat feeding kittens January 13, … 24.06.2017 · So, take me to a useless website, you would say. 30+ Most useless websites on the internet. Here we have a list of 30+ Most useless websites on the internet. This website will surely excite you. Let explore our list of the most useless websites on the internet. 1. Switch of the light. This is a useless website but it’s actually an amazing one. 17.11.2012 · It's not new, it's not clever, but it is a great way to waste time. Welcome to The Useless Web, a curated collection of some of the world's most pointless websites. It's essentially a giant button... did venus williams win her game today whats the best game in the world 2018 A website to remember. WARNING: CONTAINS FLASHING IMAGES 包含闪烁的图像. Enquiries Embed Take Me to a Useless Game - Unique Gift Ideas - mySimon is the premier price comparison shopping online site letting you compare prices and find the best deals on all the hottest new products! Home Play Now Forums Games Contests Sandbox Rules FAQ Search Login Register. Welcome to Drawception! It's like the "Telephone Game", but with drawing. Join the Fun! Take me to a useless website, please 12 player public game completed on September 1st, 2017 261 0 16 hrs. 1. Take me to a useless website, please SourCantDraw. 2. 17.08.2018 · Useless Websites. 1. Find the Invisible Cow. An Internet version of the hiding game Hot and Cold. 2. The Useless Web. Generates even more useless sites to waste your time. 3. Hacker Typer. The Useless Websites link... take me somewhere... useless web. TAKE ME TO A USELESS WEBSITE, PLEASE! Check out the most of useless Websites. take me to a useless website. Useless Website. October 16, 2018 | 0 Comments. USELESS WEBSITE For more keep . Recent Posts. 21 keyboard shortcuts for Google Docs you need to know; Goodbye, waste: 5 apps to stop procrastinating and wasting time; Facebook Gaming : How to make money streaming; Koalas to the Max, a site made with love by Vadim Ogievetsky for Annie Albagli Fun Stuff From Pointless Sites. New site every day! :o) Follow us on Twitter and get new free links every day - retweet any that you think are Brilliant / Crazy / Stupid / Useless or just Slightly Interesting;o) We aim to list only pointless and useless sites that are completely pointless, don't have pop ads, are original, are useless, are not offensive and make you smile - family friendly fun. 17.11.2014 · Well this is the second part maybe better than the first ill let you decide It would be a MASSIVE Help if you subscribed. if i get atleast ten subs i will get better equipment for my recording :D ... Useless Websites: Sub To Join The Pack: 2nd Channel: Social Medias Twitte... Vectorpark 23.11.2012 · 10 Absolutely Useless Websites We Found in 2012. 1. ... a third-year game development student named Colin created a bear animation that turned into a … 11.01.2016 · Take Me To A Useless Website is a website that, well, does exactly what it promises to do. It'll take you to a wide variety of useless websites, and I found ... 12.04.2015 · Basically, if you press please, it will take you to a random useless site, such as or Pwediepie's channel. Share your experiences with this useless website sending you to other useless websites! 24.06.2020 · Take Me To This Website Hit Me A Random Website. Still Bored? This link is part of the useless websites category. Here yo will find the most pointless sites on the planet. Some are weird, some are funny, but all of them serve no purpose on the internet what so ever. useless websites - Home Useless website. We had few useless websites at the beginning, and this falls into the same category. The difference is you do not even get a click button here. All you can do is send a comment to the website if you do not like the design. Taghua. Some useless websites are just that, a useless website. But this one will actually provide something.The Useless Websites List. Not in the mood for randomness? Do you like to be in control? Or do you want to visit a specific useless website? No worries, you can browse and click on the links you want. CORONAVIRUS NINJA. Look a dead fly! Drunk Ron Swanson. Talk to my ass. I can't sleep. The end of the internet. Broof. Screaming goat piano. Shame ...The Useless Web TAKE ME TO A USELESS WEBSITE, PLEASE! Useless weird websites... HERE. Boredom is a silent killer and you should kick it out of your life. With these useless, stupid and addictive websites, you will never experience a dull moment again.Take Me To A Useless Website Free Online Game. reza July 31, 2019. ... Take me to some useless website build useful web the useless web take me to some useless website build useful web top 10 useless websites you. Share. Tweet. Email. Prev Article. Next Article . About The Author01.07.2014 · Take Me To A Useless Website Scary Maze Game Episode Gaming 2 The Finger Deal With It ... The useless web take me to a useless website the top search engines links take me to another useless website please 8 staggering beauty take me to a useless website you. Share. Tweet. Email.07.02.2014 · The Useless Web is a website that will randomly take you to completely useless websites, websites that you visit just for fun.. Need a break? Have a few seconds to spare? Check out The Useless Web to see what happens. Just click on the Please button on the website and a new window will open with a website guaranteed to waste your precious time.