Resources for Teaching the Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Tense English exercises to practice using the present perfect for experience. Students can practice vocabulary associated with aquatic animals, as well as practice English through the present perfect grammar exercises. There are questions and answer listening activities and English sentence building games as well. So it’s my second observed class tomorrow and I’ve prepared the following lesson plan to teach present perfect/past simple to the same group. My tutors are big on reactive teaching so I’m going to throw my students straight into a communicative exercise and then I’m going to correct them as I go and clear up any issues they have afterwards. Tip: There are any number of board games you can adapt with questions in this way. Think Uno, Chess, Monopoly, Snakes and Ladders, and Connect 4. 5. Scattergories. A much-loved game all around! In Scattergories, players work to think of words or items that fit the catergories on their game card—but that start with a particular letter. 14.11.2010 · How to Teach Present Simple to Complete Beginners by BUSYTEACHER_admin 159,159 views At the outset new students are convinced that they cannot communicate in English at all, but by the end of this lesson they will hopefully be able to confidently introduce themselves to anyone they meet in a simple and yet meaningful way. Practice present-perfect vs. past tenses using this ESL fun Game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary or grammar review. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced esl learners. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work. Present perfect - experiences | LearnEnglish Kids ... Present perfect | LearnEnglish - British Council Lesson Plan on Present Perfect and Past Simple Grammar: present perfect simple | LearnEnglish Kids ... 28.07.2019 · Explain how simple present tense is used for short actions happening now. Talk about how the most basic use of the present tense is to describe something you're doing right now. Typically, it's only used for relatively short actions, as otherwise, you move to present perfect or present continuous, which describe longer actions in the present. 05.05.2016 · Today's question is on how to teach tenses using my games. For a student to use tenses correctly he or she needs to: - understand them- learn them by heart and- practise them in context Learning by rote can be boring but it needs to be done. So why not try doing all this by disguising the boring bits. Here’s how! INTRODUCING THE TENSE Note: It's not recommended to teach all the perfect forms in one lesson. This lesson focuses on present perfect and present perfect continuous. It does not deal with past or future perfect. This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English. Level: Low intermediate Aims: To present the present perfect tense (have + past participle) with the function of talking about past actions that relate to the present time; to present some time expressions used with the present perfect ( since, for, always, so far); to provide controlled and semi-controlled spoken and written practice of the present perfect tense. How To Teach Simple Past and Present Perfect? When using the Present Perfect you should call the students’ attention to the consequences generated by an action, rather than just the action itself. The tense is always formed by conjugating the auxiliary verb TO HAVE and then appending the verb’s past participle form.Present Perfect – Past Participles Present perfect crossword. Use the present perfect forms to complete this crossword.See ESL crosswords and how to make them for more examples and instructions on how to create your own.. 50 top verb cards. Give pairs or threes of students a set of Top 50 Verb Cards.Ask them to write what they think is the past participle of the verb on the back of the card.01.09.2020 · Explain how simple present tense is used for short actions happening now. Talk about how the most basic use of the present tense is to describe something you're doing right now. Typically, it's only used for relatively short actions, as otherwise, you move to present perfect or present continuous, which describe longer actions in the present.Note: It's not recommended to teach all the perfect forms in one lesson. This lesson focuses on present perfect and present perfect continuous. It does not deal with past or future perfect.11.07.2019 · This lesson focuses on the switch by first narrowing the choices down to either the present perfect or the past simple. It asks students to first ask questions about general experience with 'ever' and then drill down to the specifics with question words such as 'where, when, why' etc.Practice present-perfect vs. past tenses using this ESL fun Game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary or grammar review. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced esl learners. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work.Level: beginner. The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb.. We use the present perfect: for something that started in the past and continues in the present:. They've been married for nearly fifty years. She has lived in Liverpool all her life.. when we are talking about our experience up to the present:This engaging present perfect 'Find someone who...' activity helps ... Procedure: Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Go through how to construct 'Have you ever...?' questions and short answers with the class. Elicit the questions the students need to ask from the worksheet. ... Keywords: ESL present perfect activity; Present Perfect Tense I have seen the new Harry Potter movie. / We have been to the new shopping mall. She has eaten lunch. / He has finished his homework. Why do we use “Present Perfect” [FUNCTION] ‐We use the present perfect to talk about an experience in the pastLevel: Low intermediate Aims: To present the present perfect tense (have + past participle) with the function of talking about past actions that relate to the present time; to present some time expressions used with the present perfect ( since, for, always, so far); to provide controlled and semi-controlled spoken and written practice of the present perfect tense.We can use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our life. We often use ‘never’ for negatives and ‘ever’ in questions. My brother has met his favourite singer. I have never seen an alien! Have you ever climbed the Eiffel Tower? Be careful! If you say when your experience was, we use the past simple. Offered by University of California, Irvine. This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English.Today's question is on how to teach tenses using my games. For a student to use tenses correctly he or she needs to: - understand them- learn them by heart and- practise them in context Learning by rote can be boring but it needs to be done. So why not try doing all this by disguising the boring bits. Here’s how! INTRODUCING THE TENSEToday's question is on how to teach tenses using my games. For a student to use tenses correctly he or she needs to: - understand them- learn them by heart and- practise them in context Learning by rote can be boring but it needs to be done. So why not try doing all this by disguising the boring bits. Here’s how! INTRODUCING THE TENSEAsk different students the question and write their replies on the board. Elicit which phrases they would use to express feeling good and bad. If need be, introduce the two phrases 'Pretty good' and 'Not too good'. Next, divide the students into groups of four and give each group a set of cards. Tell the students to shuffle the cards and place ...Do you want to practise using the present perfect in English? Play our grammar games and have fun while you learn.This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English.Practice Present Tenses (present simple and present progressive) using this ESL present tenses game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary review for elementary ESL, EFL Learners. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work.This board game is best played in pairs and is designed to get your students to make a dialogue using present continuous verbs with their partner.. In this game students will ‘race around the world’. One student will go clockwise, and one student will go anti-clockwise. To play, students should put their erasers where it says ‘start’ and then play rock, scissors, paper.16.11.2013 · Fling the teacher game. Hoopshoot game to practise present perfect and past simple.. The last game is a quiz. Complete the gaps with present perfect or past simple tense and if you score more than 80% you will get to play a game called Angry Finches.14.12.2018 · Present perfect vs. Simple Past – First of all, the present perfect and simple past tenses are all about the past. Secondly, Americans do not always make the distinction between the present perfect and simple past tense. However, in British English, there are very clear guidelines on when to use the simple past tense versus the present perfect tense.
How to Teach the Present Perfect for ESL Students

07.02.2013 · The Past Simple tense is more useful than the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses, and it is often argued that it should actually be presented earlier than those two. It can also be seen as a great opportunity to teach loads of useful verbs and time expressions like “two years ago”, “once upon a time, a long long time ago” and “the day before yesterday”. 15.09.2013 · here is a nice small activity on Present Simple vs Present Continuous for an elementary class, a kind of activity that will help you to refresh the students' knowledge and once again let them practise (might be good to finalise the grammar topic). It takes 5-7 minutes and is quite dynamic. present simple present continuous… Songs to Teach Grammar Teaching grammar in ESL classes is much more fun when you use songs. ... This classic Johnny Cash song is a good example of how to use the present perfect. watch. more_vert. Open World - Unit 6: Present Perfect. Open World - Unit 6: Present Perfect.
Speaking Game for the Present Perfect Continuous — TEFL ...

The Truth About Me Step One: Students get into groups of 3 - 4. Step Two: Students decide who will take the first turn. They will play in clockwise order thereaaer. Step Three: Students move their game pieces along the path according to the number indicated by the dice. Step Four: Students read the word that they land on to the group. Step Five: Players then use the word to make a true sentence Present Perfect Grammar Exercises, online listening and grammar activities to learn English. Play through the various exercises to solidify the vocabulary, practice spelling and conversational use of the present perfect tense. These activities use sports vocabulary. You can just practice sports terms, pronounciation, and spelling if you'd like. Get Free Teaching The Present Perfect Tense now and use Teaching The Present Perfect Tense immediately to get % off or $ off or free shipping. Search. Top Development Courses ... How to Teach Present Perfect: Activities and Examples. Save How To Proceed 1.
Teaching Present Perfect Tense to ESL Students

We can use the present perfect to talk about experiences in our life. We often use ‘never’ for negatives and ‘ever’ in questions. My brother has met his favourite singer. I have never seen an alien! Have you ever climbed the Eiffel Tower? Be careful! If you say when your experience was, we use the past simple. Level: beginner. The present perfect is formed from the present tense of the verb have and the past participle of a verb.. We use the present perfect: for something that started in the past and continues in the present:. They've been married for nearly fifty years. She has lived in Liverpool all her life.. when we are talking about our experience up to the present: 11.07.2019 · This lesson focuses on the switch by first narrowing the choices down to either the present perfect or the past simple. It asks students to first ask questions about general experience with 'ever' and then drill down to the specifics with question words such as 'where, when, why' etc.
How To Teach Simple Past and Present Perfect, English ...

Do you want to practise using the present perfect in English? Play our grammar games and have fun while you learn. Grammar Lesson Plan: Present Perfect Tense – ESL Lesson Plans This board game is best played in pairs and is designed to get your students to make a dialogue using present continuous verbs with their partner.. In this game students will ‘race around the world’. One student will go clockwise, and one student will go anti-clockwise. To play, students should put their erasers where it says ‘start’ and then play rock, scissors, paper. Divide the class into teams and bring a representative of each team to the board. On "Go" the students start writing sentences in the present continuous, but only for as long as they can hold their breath. When they run out of breath, they return to their seat and number two in the team comes up and takes over. The student must then be silent and mime the present perfect sentence on their card using actions and gestures. The other students try to guess the news. The first student to say the present perfect sentence on the card wins and keeps the card. The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner. nicki minaj the crying game feat jessie ware black ops 2 xbox game key Offered by University of California, Irvine. This is the first course in the Teach English: Intermediate Grammar specialization. In this course, you will learn about teaching important intermediate verb tenses, including present perfect, present perfect progressive, past perfect, and past perfect progressive. You will also learn about teaching common modal verbs used in English. Practice Present Tenses (present simple and present progressive) using this ESL present tenses game.This game is also excellent for classroom teaching. Teachers can engage students in a classroom vocabulary review for elementary ESL, EFL Learners. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work. 14.12.2018 · Present perfect vs. Simple Past – First of all, the present perfect and simple past tenses are all about the past. Secondly, Americans do not always make the distinction between the present perfect and simple past tense. However, in British English, there are very clear guidelines on when to use the simple past tense versus the present perfect tense. Best Examples of Present Perfect Tense Learn and teach English with videos To improve your English, play Voscreen every day! - WEB: - Go... 30.10.2019 · The present continuous, also called the present progressive, is a tense used to talk about things that are happening right now, created using the verb "to be" and a present participle (an action verb ending in "ing"). To teach this tense to others, go over the parts of the present continuous, as well as several examples of it. 16.11.2013 · Fling the teacher game. Hoopshoot game to practise present perfect and past simple.. The last game is a quiz. Complete the gaps with present perfect or past simple tense and if you score more than 80% you will get to play a game called Angry Finches. 04.04.2017 · Teach your kids Learn basic English grammar, Present Perfect Tense with examples and the use of it in this kids learning video in the most entertaining and i... Using ESL grammar games perfect tenses is a very good way to teach children the various grammatical aspects of the English language. It can be hard to learn a new language. English is a language that is somewhat different in terms of grammar when compared to some of the other major languages such as French and Spanish. 13.03.2019 · Present Perfect – Past Participles Present perfect crossword. Use the present perfect forms to complete this crossword.See ESL crosswords and how to make them for more examples and instructions on how to create your own.. 50 top verb cards. Give pairs or threes of students a set of Top 50 Verb Cards.Ask them to write what they think is the past participle of the verb on the back of the card. 23.02.2015 · Present simple is one of the most important tenses in English. It is quite easy to teach and learn but it must be done properly. In this post I am going to teach some vocabulary first and then teach the forms using the verbs. Play the game with the whole class. Teacher reads the tense and calls on a student to say the phrase. Eg: Teacher: “Past perfect – drive.” Student: “Had been driven.” Play until a winner shouts BINGO. Clap for the winner. Continue playing until SUPER BINGO is called. Clap again. Tell students to form groups of 3 and create another ... 21.01.2018 · Present Perfect. The English present perfect is formed using HAVE + PAST PARTICIPLE. It’s used to refer to actions that started in the past and continue today, or generally true events. I’ve lived in Barcelona for three years. I’ve seen that movie. Some students may confuse this tense with the simple past, especially in languages like European Spanish. Present Perfect: I have finished all my homework. Past Perfect: Jane had met Tom before the party. Future Perfect: I will have walked 2 miles by 5:00 P.M. Games & Activities for Teaching Verbs. ESL games and activities can help to alleviate the stress and pressure of learning pretty much anything in English. ESL Kids Interactive Grammar Games and PPT Games. Grammar games and exercises are packed with fun video games, perfect for students and teachers, who teach or learn English.Play ESL Puzzles grammar games for free and experience the power of video technology in the classroom. Our grammar games include eight different game platforms that arm teachers wth fun games to play in the classroom or ... Present Perfect Tense I have seen the new Harry Potter movie. / We have been to the new shopping mall. She has eaten lunch. / He has finished his homework. Why do we use “Present Perfect” [FUNCTION] ‐We use the present perfect to talk about an experience in the past 4 Simple Ways to Teach the Present Simple Tense - wikiHow Whenever I teach Present Perfect to my students, I play ‘Glitter in the Air’ by Pink! It’s got loads of ‘have you ever…’ questions, and I always take the chance to play the video of her outstanding live performance of that song in the Grammys 2009. That’s it. I hope u like it. VHHow to teach present perfect tense from BusyTeacher; ... ESL Games Plus offers a great present perfect vs. past tense rally; Here is a Slideshare presentation for teaching present perfect through a U2 song. 15 fun Present Perfect activities for your classroom.11.06.2018 · The present perfect is one of the most difficult tenses to learn for students. Teaching the present perfect effectively involves making sure students understand that the present perfect in English is always connected in some way to the present moment in time.A game to practice the Present Perfect Continuous. This game can be played in your class to get your class using the Present Perfect Continuous tense. All you need are some blank cards (folded paper will do just as well if you don’t have cards). In this game, students will each have a card of something they were doing in the past.4. Play a game! It’s never a bad idea to play a game in class, especially if the game can be educational as well as fun. One good game for teaching present perfect tense is “I’ve never.” In this game, students earn a point (or some other predetermined prize) each time they say something that they have never done.How To Teach Simple Past and Present Perfect? When using the Present Perfect you should call the students’ attention to the consequences generated by an action, rather than just the action itself. The tense is always formed by conjugating the auxiliary verb TO HAVE and then appending the verb’s past participle form.