How to Fix Scratched Discs - Repair Scratched Video Games ...

Games → Video and PC games → Sony gaming platforms → Sony PlayStation 2 → PlayStation 2 troubleshooting → PlayStation 2 CD, ... Can I repair scratched games myself? ... i had a couple of scratched games myself so i used clorox disinfecting wipes. 09.09.2011 · Traded in games often have some scratches and if you ever buy a game that's on offer and it doesn't work you can use this to fix it. Level of damage must be considered, if you have "decimated" don't think you can repair it i.e if you turn your xbox on it's side while reading a disc so a ring will grind into the outter part of the disc. 05.04.2010 · Remove Scratches From a CD/DVD With Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly): Vaseline (Petroleum Jelly) can be used for chapped lips, dry skin, and for getting rid of head lice; but how about making CDs and DVDs readable again? Well, it does that too. There are also other ways to … 08.10.2007 · the only game that scratched for me was wii sports cause of the crapy sleve, ... youtube the banana scratch repair as well. ... Biggest Video Game News Of 2019. Main boards. You can polish out scratches on the clear side of a music or game or video CD using a very mild abrasive. The best to use is toothpaste - not the clear gel kind but any kind that contains white... how to repair scratched video games Archives | Ac Error Code HOW TO REPAIR SCRATCHED XBOX 360 GAMES | HOW TO … How to Fix a scratched video game « Xbox 360 :: WonderHowTo How to Fix a Scratched Video Game | How to clean cds, Diy ... Have a Playstation game, or any other disc, that just won't play? In this how-to video, you'll learn how to repair damaged and scratched optical media (e.g., DVDs & … how to fix a scratched cd dvd games.hey guys i came up with this way of fixing a dvd after chucking a couple of my dvd in the field accross my house. and i got tired of waisting my toothpaste and cutting up fruit to only fix them for a little while then just have them to skip again a little after. so i hope this helps some of you from pulling you hair out.please feel free to leave comments on ... What is the best way to repair a game disc that moderately scratched up? It has that circle scratched near the edges. I just bought it from ebay. It plays most of the time then bam! It reads ... We have a local video rental store, which has a DVD resurfacer. A local game/music/vinyl shop has the same type of deal. Ask them if they can buff it ... how to fix a scratched cd dvd games.hey guys i came up with this way of fixing a dvd after chucking a couple of my dvd in the field accross my house. and i got tired of waisting my toothpaste and cutting up fruit to only fix them for a little while then just have them to skip again a little after. so i hope this helps some of you from pulling you hair out.please feel free to leave comments on ... This is a list of all 955 games for the Xbox video game console. The list includes fifty-two titles exclusive to Europe, nineteen exclusive to Japan, three titles exclusive to Australasia, and two that were not released in North America. See Lists of video games for related lists. 16.11.2019 · Step 1, Take a small amount of toothpaste and lay it on your preferred disc.Step 2, Apply the paste on the disc in a circular pattern. Remember this as the friction the circular motion creates results in the removal of scratches.Step 3, After about 10 minutes, wash the disc thoroughly with cold water.You can polish out scratches on the clear side of a music or game or video CD using a very mild abrasive. The best to use is toothpaste - not the clear gel kind but any kind that contains white...29.07.2011 · My game for my ps2 is a bit scratched and freezes at one point over and over. any way i can fix this?Spread toothpaste on the disc. This disc repair method should be used as a last resort. Using plain, white toothpaste, rub a quarter-sized amount in a circular motion with your fingers on the disc. Cover the reflective side of the disc completely.19.07.2007 · How do I repair a scratched video game disk? I have tried buffing out scratches with toothpaste, but they won't go away and the game continues to pause at a certain point. I'm not sure if I used the Vaseline technique correctly, but that didn't work either.Just run Tooth Paste over the scratched section, and leave it there for about 2 mins, then wash it off with warm water using your thumb in a circle motion to wash off the tooth paste, or use a ...360 games This is the list of games that have been released or announced for the Microsoft Xbox 360 video game console, organized alphabetically by name. This list does not include Xbox Live Arcade games, Xbox Originals or List of Xbox Live games on Windows 7, which are detailed in their own articles. scratched Score…May 13, 2016 - How to Fix a Scratched Video Game. This wikiHow teaches you how to attempt to repair a video game disc that was scratched. Surface-level scratches can often be fixed using a substance like petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or toothpaste, to fix a scratched cd dvd games.hey guys i came up with this way of fixing a dvd after chucking a couple of my dvd in the field accross my house. and i got tired of waisting my toothpaste and cutting up fruit to only fix them for a little while then just have them to skip again a little after. so i hope …This is a list of all 955 games for the Xbox video game console. The list includes fifty-two titles exclusive to Europe, nineteen exclusive to Japan, three titles exclusive to Australasia, and two that were not released in North America. See Lists of video games for related lists.20.12.2006 · How to fix a scratched video game CD? Answer Save. 9 Answers. Relevance. Anonymous. 1 decade ago. Favorite Answer. If you go to gamestop or eb games you can buy a cd repair kit for a couple of bucs. about 4 dollars. or if the cd is not working stick it under your sink for about ten seconds while cold water is running on it. 01.10.2018 · How to fix a scratched DVD & CD. Mostly everyone has their favorite collection of CD’s or DVD’s in which they stored their favorite songs, videos, files, games etc. Some of the people also converted their marriage videos cassettes into CDs or DVDs. CDs have overtaken the trend of cassettes due to its high quality and large storage to fix a scratched cd dvd games.hey guys i came up with this way of fixing a dvd after chucking a couple of my dvd in the field accross my house. and i got tired of waisting my toothpaste and cutting up fruit to only fix them for a little while then just have them to skip again a little after. so i hope …how to fix a scratched cd dvd games.hey guys i came up with this way of fixing a dvd after chucking a couple of my dvd in the field accross my house. and i got tired of waisting my toothpaste and cutting up fruit to only fix them for a little while then just have them to skip again a little after. so i hope …Yes they do but. Don't think all of them. They can't fix cracked games, only scratched. But sometimes even the scratched games wont get fixed and you just wasted your money so..... That sucks.In this how-to video, you will learn how to fix scratched games with a simple solution. You will need a few rags, alcohol, and a surface to place the disc on. Take the rag and pour a tiny bit of alcohol on to it. Next, put the alcohol away. Take the cd and rub it with the rag. It should be rubbed all around the entire cd. Take a dry tissue and rub the cd.Have a Playstation game, or any other disc, that just won't play? In this how-to video, you'll learn how to repair damaged and scratched optical media (e.g., DVDs & CDs) using sandpaper and rubbing compound. Check it out.Apply a rubbing compound, moving from the center of the disc outwards. Use enough force to create a mirror polished surface when rubbing compound application is complete. We found that applying the rubbing compound for at least 30 seconds to 1 minute is sufficient.There's nothing that can ruin a perfectly good time quite like the dreaded "perfect circle" scratch which certain Microsoft Xbox 360 consoles can give to games that are loaded improperly. With this how-to however, you'll learn how to repair an Xbox disc and get it running again.But, your scratched unreadable disc can be fixed with the right tool. The problem is the small scratched on the bottom your disc is cause the laser not to be able to read the data layer or foil layer of your disc. I made video on how to remove or repair scratched dvd cd disc . So did you just watch the video, if not click the link and take a look.Sometimes, these game discs won’t even load enough to get the startup banner screen to display. At any rate, when looking for how to fix a scratched PS3 disc, keep in mind that it could be that your console is defective, and not the discs at all. How to Fix a Scratched PS3 Disc: Troubleshooting PS3 Game Disc Problems
5 Ways To Fix A Scratched Video Game Disc

Buy Scratch Out CD/DVD Scratch-Repair Fluid -3.5 fl oz (Discontinued by Manufacturer): Disc Repair Kits - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases 01.03.2013 · How to Clean or Repair Scratched DVDs CDs and Game Discs The procedures described here can be used to repair scratched DVDs, Cds and game discs or used for cleaning up dirty, scuffed or marked discs. If you arrived at this page seeking advice on recovering data from a disc that seems to have no physical damage then go to THIS PAGE to get started. If the game disc looks "significantly" damaged and cannot be played, we recommend replacing the game disc. If the game disc looks dirty (not scratched),...
How to Fix a Scratched Video Game Disc [SOLVED] | Error Fix It
![How to Fix a Scratched Video Game Disc [SOLVED] | Error Fix It](
I bought a bunch of PS2 games that were scratched up pretty bad. I decide to clean them up myself and try to lessen the scratches a bit. I used a power drill, 5″ buffing pad, and the NOVUS (3, 2, & 1) plastic restoration kit. This video is to show the end results to a person who was interested in the games. Remove Scratches from Discs from here: Scratched discs whether it's CD's, DVD's, PS3, XBOX or even older game disks happe... 29.03.2019 · How to Fix a Scratched Video Game Disk with White Toothpaste. No matter what type of optical disk you have, scratches can make the data inaccessible. Surprisingly, "sanding" down the scratches with toothpaste is an effective home remedy,...
hardware - How do I repair a scratched game disc? - Arqade

Tag: how to repair scratched video games. August 26, 2020. How To Fix Scratched Game Disk. By intakhab game 1 Comment. 5 ways to fix a scratched video game disc How To Fix Scratched Game Disk. How To Fix Scratched Game disc? You take out the game disc to play it and a huge scratch comes through the “read” side of the disc. 360 games This is the list of games that have been released or announced for the Microsoft Xbox 360 video game console, organized alphabetically by name. This list does not include Xbox Live Arcade games, Xbox Originals or List of Xbox Live games on Windows 7, which are detailed in their own articles. scratched Score… In this how-to video, you will learn how to fix scratched games with a simple solution. You will need a few rags, alcohol, and a surface to place the disc on. Take the rag and pour a tiny bit of alcohol on to it. Next, put the alcohol away. Take the cd and rub it with the rag. It should be rubbed all around the entire cd. Take a dry tissue and rub the cd.
5 Ways to Fix a Scratched Xbox Game - wikiHow

May 13, 2016 - How to Fix a Scratched Video Game. This wikiHow teaches you how to attempt to repair a video game disc that was scratched. Surface-level scratches can often be fixed using a substance like petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or toothpaste, though... HOW TO REPAIR SCRATCHED XBOX GAMES - SCRATCHED XBOX … Wet the play side of the game disc with a filtered water and soap solution. Next, gently rub with smooth fingers. Then, rinse with more filtered water. Finally, dry with a lint-free lens cleaning cloth. I have about 4 games that have the ring scratch and was wondering if anyone has ever got them to work again?I purchased a repair kit but it didn't work. I've also heard that you can rub metal ... 26.04.2010 · A common XBox problem is a malfunction that causes a circular groove in your CDs and games. In this tutorial, learn how to fix that horrible circular scratch at home, and hopefully play your game normally again. This fix could save you a bunch of money, since Microsoft won't replace any damaged discs. This video will show you an easy way to fix this annoying problem. peppa pig going to the beach game make your own roller coaster games for free Yes they do but. Don't think all of them. They can't fix cracked games, only scratched. But sometimes even the scratched games wont get fixed and you just wasted your money so..... That sucks. 15.12.2008 · Anonymous asked in Games & Recreation Video & Online Games · 1 decade ago how do you fix a scratched xbox 360 game? I have a game and its got a few minor scratches and wont read i dont want to take it to a store for a fix does anyone have any suggestions 01.10.2018 · How to fix a scratched DVD & CD. Mostly everyone has their favorite collection of CD’s or DVD’s in which they stored their favorite songs, videos, files, games etc. Some of the people also converted their marriage videos cassettes into CDs or DVDs. CDs have overtaken the trend of cassettes due to its high quality and large storage capacity. 08.10.2020 · Fix Scratched Game Discs - Repair Scratched Up Disks. Forget all those cheesy tricks to fix scratched up discs including games, dvds, cds and movies. The game is heavily influenced by the H.P. Lovecraft mythos and several direct references to Lovecraft works make their appearances in Scratches. There are in-game references to the Necronomicon , De Vermis Mysteriis , Lovecraft's story " The Mountains of Madness ," as well as one critic of Michael's book being called R'yleh . 01.11.2007 · This how-to video shows you a very simple method to remove scratches on your DVDs and CDs! The magic fixer is toothpaste. Don't throw out any of your favorite movies, records, or software. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to rescue and repair scratched CDs. Step 1 How to Repair a Scratched CD . Rinse the disc with water and wipe clean to remove any dust or dirt. Edit . Add a comment . Add a comment . Add Comment Cancel . Step 2. Apply a rubbing compound, moving from the center of the disc outwards. Use enough force to create ... But, your scratched unreadable disc can be fixed with the right tool. The problem is the small scratched on the bottom your disc is cause the laser not to be able to read the data layer or foil layer of your disc. I made video on how to remove or repair scratched dvd cd disc . So did you just watch the video, if not click the link and take a look. Fix a scratched disc by sanding and polishing the surface using toothpaste. Does it really work ? Some say YES other say NO. Time to test the myth. Repair Scratched Playstation 2 GamesSearch results for Repair Scratched Playstation 2 Games , We Always give correct and complete information about Repair Scratched Playstation 2 GamesSearch results for Repair Scratched Playstation 2 Games, This document provides Repair Scratched Playstation 2 GamesSearch results for Repair Scratched Playstation 2 Games We want to improve the quality of ... 31.03.2020 · A scratched edition of your favorite DVD is bad news, especially if it's out of print and hard to find or it isn't yet available on Blu-ray. Fear not, as we have put together a guide on how to fix ... A scratched edition of your favorite DVD is no ... Games. Games. Video. Video. More. ... often scratching recoverable discs beyond repair or simply dousing them in chemicals that only further ... 06.01.2007 · How To Repair Scratched DVDs/CDs/CDROMS & Disc Based Video Games 6 01 2007. I met a friend the other day for coffee and I mentioned that I amassed a collection of scratched DVD’s due to general wear and tear and kids leaving them out..etc. When a CD has surface scratches (on the shiny side), the data isn't really damaged, it's just inaccessible since the laser can't read the bits under the scratch. Minor scratches that go perpendicular to the tracks usually won't interfere with the ... 11.06.2007 · This trick will also often work wonders on damaged PS2, PS3 and Xbox game CD’s. Does anyone have additional tips on how to repair scratched CD’s … How to Repair scratched CDs and DVDs with sandpaper ... 15.09.2017 · Sometimes games are just too damaged to fix. Using a severely cracked game in your console could potentially damage its internal components, so be careful when testing them out. Though toothpaste is probably the most readily available substance you have access to, other abrasive chemicals are also effective.29.03.2009 · DIY Disc Repair - Fix Scratched Games, DVDs and CDs ... 4:40. Video Game Disc Repair Machine Best Bang For Buck! Part2 - Duration: 13:57. GamerMatwevias 31,082 views. 13: · All game consoles discs can be fixed using the scratch removing methods below. Here are a few methods to try to fix your scratched disc at home: 1. Rubbing Alcohol Method: Get a lint free non scratching cloth. Put a small amount on the “read” side of the …You can also use Toothpaste to Fix a Scratched Video Game Disc. Let’s look at the steps. Take a small portion of gritty type of toothpaste. The gritty toothpaste is a little abrasive and will help in removing the scratch from a scratched disc. Take some water and make your finger wet.I have kids, which means I have scratched game discs that my systems can't read. Several months ago, I watched a video demonstrating how to repair scratched game discs using car polish. I tried that, and it didn't work. After a little more research, I found and purchased this plastic polishing kit from Amazon.06.06.2013 · Step 1, Rinse your disc off with running water. Lip balm often works to fill scratches in game discs. First, remove any excess dirt and grime by rinsing the disc off with running water.Step 2, Get a plain lip balm. Use a lip balm …