YES! How To Remove Permanent (Sharpie) Marker from CDs ...

Spraying this over permanent marker allows the marker to be wiped off, and then you can rinse off the residue in warm water. I've used or seen used this remedy on many types of plastic in my life, but I can't recall if I've used it on LEGO pieces before. I think I did use it on a yellow brick some 12+ years ago, but time makes the details unclear. In this Home & Garden video tutorial you will learn how to erase permanent marker from a dry erase board. Well, there are various methods of erasing permanent marker from a dry erase board. One of the methods is to use some clear spirit. Soak a small piece of cloth in the spirit and rub off the dry marker and it will vanish in no time. But, what if you don’t have spirit? 03.09.2020 · If your game console or computer won't play a brand new, scratch-free disc, you may need to clean or repair its disc drive. A laser lens cleaner will only remove dust, not grease or caked-on dirt, but it's easy to use and worth a try. 02.06.2020 · Famicom / Disk System (Moderators: manuel, L___E___T) How to remove permanent marker from nes games? Started by satoshi_matrix, December 01, 2010, 02:58:36 pm 12.06.2008 · How to Remove Permanent Marker from a Whiteboard. If someone used permanent marker or pen on your whiteboard, you may have to try several methods before the stain is removed. Fortunately, most ink marks can be removed with household... How to Remove marker from of a compact disc safely ... How to Remove Permanent Marker From a DVD | eHow Best way to remove permanent marker from plastic? : discgolf Best way to remove permanent marker from a PS2 disc ... 07.08.2009 · Using a dry erase marker, scribble over the area you want to remove. Then simply take a cloth and wipe it away. This works on Sharpees remarkably well. 16.07.2008 · Sharpie is hard to remove, I would recommend dry erase marker put over the sharpie followed by dry eraser while the dry erase is still wet (never had to use on a disc but I play dnd and this works on dry erase and wet erase surfaces, I would assume most disks are one of these) also, if you absolutely have to and nothing works, sandpaper will 21.10.2011 · Removing Permanent Marker from a CD. You can't remove the marker from the CD. I would just get a CD labeler and make your own cover for it. (07/11/2008) By Joyce. Removing Permanent Marker from a CD. This will help you. Spray a little "OFF" Deep Woods (unscented is nice) on to a paper towel and wipe where the Permanent Marker is on the CD. 22.03.2009 · Alcohol. 99% isoproyl alcohol works best, though even 70% (rubbing) alcohol should work OK. Anything stronger will DISSOLVE the plastic. Use a cotton swab (Q-Tip) or a cotton cloth (old T-shirt). 29.05.2008 · The permanent marker stain should come off with the cloth and dry erase marker. 4 Use some glass cleaner if you can't remove the dry erase marker. If for some reason the dry erase marker dried up and you are unable to wipe it off (and thus the permanent marker) try spraying the area with a glass cleaner and then wiping it off with a paper towel. 20.03.2019 · Save your kitchen cabinets from permanent marker doodles with vegetable oil. Use a cotton ball to apply it to the stain and scrub it off with circular motions. Repeat as needed until the marker is gone; then wipe off the excess oil with a damp cloth. Check out these 10 simple kitchen cabinet repairs you can do.23.12.2006 · I bought a used PS2 game from a video store, and someone wrote a number on the top of the disc (the side with the graphics, not the data side) in permanent marker. Is there a way to remove the marker without damaging the disc or the graphic underneath?30.12.2013 · Unless the marker on the label was done with some sort of erasable ink, it's pretty much permanent unless you remove the label. Erasable ink is pretty similar to dyed rubber cement, so it coats the paper rather than penetrates it.07.08.2009 · Using a dry erase marker, scribble over the area you want to remove. Then simply take a cloth and wipe it away. This works on Sharpees remarkably well.Best way to remove permanent marker from plastic? Looking for a few different ideas on how to approach removing names and numbers from used discs? I have of course googled and tried different approaches from those results, but looking for some different ideas.22.05.2020 · How to Remove Permanent Marker from a Whiteboard. If someone used permanent marker or pen on your whiteboard, you may have to try several methods before the stain is removed. Fortunately, most ink marks can be removed with household...02.06.2020 · Famicom / Disk System (Moderators: manuel, L___E___T) How to remove permanent marker from nes games? Started by satoshi_matrix, December 01, 2010, 02:58:36 pm06.03.2008 · Does anyone know how to remove permanent marker from a CD that has been written to.? The CD that has the marker on it is my back up copy for Windows. I need these CD's because my laptop has crashed and now I cannot re-install the program cause of this little problem.22.03.2009 · Alcohol. 99% isoproyl alcohol works best, though even 70% (rubbing) alcohol should work OK. Anything stronger will DISSOLVE the plastic. Use a...Related: This Is The Best Way To Remove Tough Carpet Stains 6. Walls. Walls are a favorite drawing surface for children everywhere, and frequently end up subjected to permanent marker mishaps. Use rubbing alcohol, aerosol hairspray, regular toothpaste (not gel), a magic eraser, or lemon essential oil to remove the marker …24.12.2019 · Recently,I burned 120 pieces ps1 game on 120 pieces blank CD-R for my modded ps2 fat Can I use black permanent marker on disc for game name? 22.07.2020 · To remove permanent marker from plastics, scrub it with toothpaste and baking soda until it comes off. You can also scrub the marker off with an alcohol-based product, like hairspray, hand sanitizer, rubbing alcohol, or acetone. If you have a pencil, try buffing the marker off using the eraser.To remove permanent marker from hard plastics, follow these simple steps. Color over the permanent marker you wish to remove with a dry-erase marker. Wipe over the area with a rag, and the permanent marker should come right off along with the dry-erase marker.To remove permanent marker from hard plastics, follow these simple steps. Color over the permanent marker you wish to remove with a dry-erase marker. Wipe over the area with a rag, and the permanent marker should come right off along with the dry-erase marker.How To: Remove permanent marker easily with orange peels How To: Remove permanent marker stains with toothpaste How To: Remove permanent marker from Legos How To: Remove marker from of a compact disc safely How To: Erase permanent marker from a dry erase board02.11.2013 · You can erase labels on DVDs written with a permanent marker with nail polish remover and cotton balls.14.05.2020 · To remove permanent marker from a white board, use a rag to rub the permanent marker with rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or acetone. You can also try coloring over the permanent marker with a dry-erase marker and then wiping it all off with a white board eraser.Contrary to its name, a permanent marker is not completely permanent if you really need to get it off a non-paper surface. For example, if you ever make the common mistake of using permanent marker on a dry erase board, all you need to do is write over the "permanent" marks with a regular dry erase marker, then rub off both layers with the dry eraser.15.08.2009 · I have a video game that my friend gave me and it has his name written in sharpie. I need help on how to remove the sharpie name off the disk15.08.2007 · Found a golf disc about three weeks ago with a name and phone number written on it with a Sharpie marker. I called the number, and it was a bussiness phone, and they had never heard of the person who was named on the disc. Its a good disc, and I would like to keep it, but without someone elses name on it.Permanent ink and the soft porous resin of a disc are quite happy together, and don't want to be separated. Attempting to remove the ink will most certainly ruin the disc. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a properly cared for disc which is stored under recommended storage conditions can have a very long life expectancy.
How to Get Permanent Marker off of a Game Cartridge: 9 Steps

06.07.2006 · Permanent marker is called permanent for a reason, but with the right cleaning products, you can remove it from smooth surfaces. For surfaces such as wood, dishes, and painted walls, apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a clean paper towel and rub the marker until it’s gone. 13.07.2015 · Video game scratch fixer. 5. Petroleum Jelly Method: Rub a small amount of a product such as Vaseline into the scratch. Let sit for 60 seconds. Next gently rub the Vaseline off of disc by using an inward to outward motion in a straight line. A permanent marker is meant to be non-removable, so it can cause some trouble when it gets on surfaces that it’s not supposed to get on! This can be frustrating if you have children who like to create their artwork on your walls or if you’ve mistaken your Sharpie for a dry erase marker.
Any tips for removing permanent marker off a disc ...

Often permanent markers can be removed with isopropyl alcohol. First, assuming you still have the markers, I'd try using this to remove it from a test surface. If it works, then try on the bottom of your table to ensure it does not damage the finish. If it is safe, then use it to try and remove the marker from your table. Permanent marker writes on just about any household surface, including areas you'd rather it did not, such as on a laminate floor. Harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners may harm laminate materials, so removing that Sharpie mark requires a gentle solution. 21.03.2018 · Bought a game off eBay and somebody wrote on the cartridge? Maybe you just felt the need to record your hi-score on the game. Whatever the reason, permanent marker, is anything but, and there are ways to get it off of your carts without damaging the plastic.
Tips on removing permanent marker from a PS1 disk ...

21.04.2010 · This video shows viewers how to remove permanent marker from the top of a compact disc without damaging it. In order to do this, you will need some hand sanitizing gel and some facial tissues. Apply some gel onto the marks you want to remove by squeezing the gel out from the bottle. Rub the gel in a bit with your fingers. 15.10.2020 · Paper towel. Toothpaste. Lint-free cloth. Sponge. Water. Cloth. Remove permanent marker from a CD with alcohol. Many people use permanent markers to label CDs and DVDs. Although this seems like a good practice, removing the marker can be difficult if you make a mistake or want to record over the DVD content. Best way to remove permanent marker from plastic? Looking for a few different ideas on how to approach removing names and numbers from used discs? I have of course googled and tried different approaches from those results, but looking for some different ideas.
How to remove permanent marker from a disc? : discgolf

23.12.2006 · I bought a used PS2 game from a video store, and someone wrote a number on the top of the disc (the side with the graphics, not the data side) in permanent marker. Is there a way to remove the marker without damaging the disc or the graphic underneath? 5 Ways to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastics - wikiHow Life Related: This Is The Best Way To Remove Tough Carpet Stains 6. Walls. Walls are a favorite drawing surface for children everywhere, and frequently end up subjected to permanent marker mishaps. Use rubbing alcohol, aerosol hairspray, regular toothpaste (not gel), a magic eraser, or lemon essential oil to remove the marker … 24.12.2019 · Recently,I burned 120 pieces ps1 game on 120 pieces blank CD-R for my modded ps2 fat Can I use black permanent marker on disc for game name? To remove permanent marker from hard plastics, follow these simple steps. Color over the permanent marker you wish to remove with a dry-erase marker. Wipe over the area with a rag, and the permanent marker should come right off along with the dry-erase marker. play nintendo 3ds games online free the pirates caribbean hunt pc game free download 02.09.2009 · acid, permanent marker remover, buy a new remote. or for advanced, wet sand it off then repaint it. meaning u have to take it apart and do the paint process (if u do decide to paint it go on youtube and find ways to paint it and do cool awsome designs.) P.S. wish on a wishing star and hope it goes away 23.06.2014 · Contrary to its name, a permanent marker is not completely permanent if you really need to get it off a non-paper surface. For example, if you ever make the common mistake of using permanent marker on a dry erase board, all you need to do is write over the "permanent" marks with a regular dry erase marker, then rub off both layers with the dry eraser. 15.08.2007 · Found a golf disc about three weeks ago with a name and phone number written on it with a Sharpie marker. I called the number, and it was a bussiness phone, and they had never heard of the person who was named on the disc. Its a good disc, and I would like to keep it, but without someone elses name on it. 15.08.2009 · I have a video game that my friend gave me and it has his name written in sharpie. I need help on how to remove the sharpie name off the disk 02.11.2013 · You can erase labels on DVDs written with a permanent marker with nail ... How to easily remove stickers from game discs ... Cogan 21,679 views. 4:12. How to Remove Marker Off a Compact Disc ... How To: Remove permanent marker easily with orange peels How To: Remove permanent marker stains with toothpaste How To: Remove permanent marker from Legos How To: Remove marker from of a compact disc safely How To: Erase permanent marker from a dry erase board Permanent ink and the soft porous resin of a disc are quite happy together, and don't want to be separated. Attempting to remove the ink will most certainly ruin the disc. According to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), a properly cared for disc which is stored under recommended storage conditions can have a very long life expectancy. 14.05.2020 · To remove permanent marker from a white board, use a rag to rub the permanent marker with rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or acetone. You can also try coloring over the permanent marker with a dry-erase marker and then wiping it all off with a white board eraser. A Sharpie permanent marker is useful for labelling things in bold, clear writing, and is the writing tool of choice when CDs need to be labelled. However, the very thing that makes it good for labelling CDs – its longevity – can become troublesome if you decide that you want to remove the sharpie ink from the CD. Feb 19, 2016 - How to Remove Permanent Marker. Permanent marker is, by nature, a really tough stain to treat, precisely because it's supposed to be permanent. If you have permanent marker on household surfaces, skin or fabric, there are some things you... 18.11.2016 · This video will show you how to remove permanent marker from any CD, Bluray, DVD, game disc or other disc. BoardGameGeek How To: Remove permanent marker stains with toothpaste How To: Remove marker from of a compact disc safely How To: Label boxes when moving How To: Make a piece of graphic wall art with Threadbanger How To: Get permanent marker stains out of your carpet 22.02.2010 · To remove permanent marker from clothing, upholstery, or carpet, dab the stain with rubbing alcohol until it comes out. You can also use hand sanitizer, nail polish remover, or hairspray. Be careful not to rub the stain so you don’t push it deeper into the fabric. 27.05.2015 · Disc Golf Nerd Tips for beginners: ... How to Remove Permanent Marker from Plastic So You Can Resell Easier! - Duration: 8:53. Prime Time Treasure Hunter Recommended for you. Removing Permanent Marker from NES/SNES Carts | NeoGAF Why can't we get rid of trials, it seems as though we have to buy the game to actually remove it, which seems as though we are being forced into purchasing the full game. I recently got the Battlefield 4 free trial, and my time ran out; I find it incredibly annoying that there is a game in my Origin library that I cannot access.23.01.2014 · In this video, I show you how to remove Sharpie / Permanent Marker from various CDs / DVDs. If you find this video helpful in any way, I do appreciate any do...14.12.2011 · Bought a game off eBay and somebody wrote on the cartridge? Maybe you just felt the need to record your hi-score on the game. Whatever the reason, permanent marker, is anything but, and there are ways to get it off of your carts without damaging the plastic.143k members in the gamecollecting community. This is the definitive Reddit source for video game collectors or those who would like to start …My favorite method is to go over the permanent marker with a dry erase marker then wipe it away. The markets have a chemical that lifts it off the surface. It may not work depending on the texture of the disk cover, but in my experience it almost always does the job. Maybe test it on a small spot to make sure it doesn't smudge the cover.16.07.2008 · How to remove permanent marker from a disc? Close. 11. Posted by. Revolution Disc Golf. 4 years ago. Archived. How to remove permanent marker from a disc? I recently picked up a few test discs from Play It Again Sports (free plug for them) and the, obviously, have other people's names and numbers on them.