How do you delete saved games in Fable 2? - Answers

If I start a new game on fable 2 on my one without transferring my save will it delete my old save on my x360 ^ 4 comments. share. save hide report. 60% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Sort by. best. level 1. 3 points · 3 years ago.
I booted up fable 2 and my save game wasn't present. I then went through the basic troubleshooting of restarting the console, deleting the local saved data, rebooting the game - Nothing has fixed the issue. So far Fable 2 and Fable 3 haven't downloaded their save games that are on the cloud.
16.05.2019 · ***This will not work to reset your multiplayer states nor will this work for the Free to Play Games Like Trove, World of Tanks, Fortnite, etc and will not r...
Xbox Dashboard->System Settings->Memory-> (Pick memory device saved games are on, iff more than one devices is attached)->Games->Fable II-> Pick Hero # and Profile combo you wish to delete. Hero 1...
You can't permanently delete a Sim without deleting the entire family from the game. You can make them temporarily disappear, but how to do that is for you to figure out.
Deleting Saved Games :: GRID 2 General Discussion
How do i delete a save game? - Fable III Q&A for Xbox 360 ...
How to delete game saves on xbox one - Microsoft Community
How i can delete a fable 2 game | Fable Community Forums
I want to delete some of my save games because it is just clutter that I don't need. They take up hard drive space, and I don't want them. There has to be a way to delete saved games. Aren't they saved in a folder on my hard drive somewhere? I don't understand developers that don't give you a delete option to remove unneeded save games.
This was with SDC, which brought up an option to delete all associated files including skins and saved games, which I checked. But, it did not delete the games saved by GC2. (I suspect this is because GC2 saves its games in a user document directory and that support for this has not yet reached SDC or the directory list for GC2.
02.03.2012 · Mar 2, 2012 #2 On the CKII main menu, when you click Single Player, then the Saved Games tab; there are little X buttons to the right of each saved game, you can click those to delete them.
29.03.2019 · I am trying to delete my saved game data on the Cloud for Metal Gear Solid V. Because of how the saves work in this game I need to delete everything to be able to restart the game. I figured out how to clear out the local saves data, but when I fire up the game, it just retrieves info from the cloud and puts me in the same spot in the game.
04.05.2017 · This game does not allow me to delete saves from within the game. I just want to delete the saved game so I start over but I cannot figure out how to do it. And I do not have access to my old xbox 360 anymore. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I'm building up a backlog of saved game files that is really slowing down the loading time for the save game / load game screen. I can delete the files one at a time from this screen but that would take forever. I can't seem to find the save game folder on my computer. Anyone know where Steam might have set it up? Thanks in advance.21.01.2009 · I have an xbox 360 and there are six games allowed, an i hav six but i want to delete some...21.01.2009 · Re: How i can delete a fable 2 game I dont know if theres another way but I just delete mine from the Xbox Setting's, Memory, Games, Fable 2, Profile "blah blah" pick which one... well I think thats the menu order not near my xbox atm. $This was with SDC, which brought up an option to delete all associated files including skins and saved games, which I checked. But, it did not delete the games saved by GC2. (I suspect this is because GC2 saves its games in a user document directory and that support for this has not yet reached SDC or the directory list for GC2.You can't permanently delete a Sim without deleting the entire family from the game. You can make them temporarily disappear, but how to do that is for you to figure out.Hi all, Can anyone tell me how to go about REMOVING a saved game (not overwriting by creating a new one). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Grant.29.03.2019 · I am trying to delete my saved game data on the Cloud for Metal Gear Solid V. Because of how the saves work in this game I need to delete everything to be able to restart the game. I figured out how to clear out the local saves data, but when I fire up the game, it just retrieves info from the cloud and puts me in the same spot in the game.21.07.2019 · Highlight the game, press the Menu button on your controller, and then select Manage game & add-ons. In the menu on the left side of the screen, scroll down to Saved Data, then highlight the saved data for your gamertag on the right and press the A button on your controller. You'll be prompted to confirm deletion of this game save data:I want to delete some of my save games because it is just clutter that I don't need. They take up hard drive space, and I don't want them. There has to be a way to delete saved games. Aren't they saved in a folder on my hard drive somewhere? I don't understand developers that don't give you a delete option to remove unneeded save games.08.01.2011 · i aint sure about making new saves as i only have two myself and to delete a hero save just go to the xbox memory bit on system settings go to hard drive or whatever you saved it onto (e.g. memory card) then go down to fable III click on it and it will have like hero 1 saved game, hero 2 saved gameIf you delete the CharacterPool folder, yes. However the savefiles are kept seperate in a clearly marked folder. The only way you can make this mistake is to just delete the entire XCOM 2 in your documents file.
13.04.2012 · C:\Users\
How do I delete game saves with backwards compatability ...

12.09.2014 · Delete the original save file (External Drive). (Skip if not using External) Copy it from the Xbox Memory To the Cloud and delete the one in the Xbox memory. Move it back to external drive (Xbox Memory if not using cloud). Then delete the save file from the cloud memory. Start the game up & select to load saved game. 12.06.2018 · How do I delete save game data Construct. Construct 2. ... But since then, every time I press the button "run the layout" to test my gameplay, it load my save game which has saved a older version of my project. In case you were wondering I have erase all save and load action because of that. If you need to delete your local saved games for Xbox One or PlayStation 4, please follow the directions below: Xbox One: On the home screen, select "My Games & Apps". On the left menu, choose "Games". Select the game you want to edit and press the menu button on your controller. Once you've done this, choose "Manage game".
How do you delete a saved game in Fable 2? - Answers

30.06.2020 · How to Remove A Game from Game Center on iOS 13/12/11/10. Since the release of iOS 10, you may have noticed that there’s no Game Center app available on iPhone anymore. In that case, there’s no option for you to delete an unwanted app from it. Don’t worry. Just follow the steps below to delete your unwanted games with ease. Step 1. If you delete data for a game, you might also delete any in-game achievements or progress, depending on how the developer has built the game. When you delete Play Games data from your account, it also deletes your Play Games data with Google. This will not delete data with the game developer. Learn how to remove a game’s access to your Google ... To delete any saved games, you have to manually go into your Xbox's system hard drive and select the games to delete. How do you delete a saved character on Fable 2?
How do you delete saved games from Fable 2 on Xbox ...

Hi all, Can anyone tell me how to go about REMOVING a saved game (not overwriting by creating a new one). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Grant. Answers. Your hero will still be "Hero 3", but to delete, you open the X-box system manager and manage your memory. Locate your Hard Drive/storage device those saves are on and delete them. I... 21.07.2019 · You can manage your data for individual games through My games & apps on your Home screen. Here's how: Press the Xbox button on your controller to open the guide, and then select My games & apps.; Highlight the game, press the Menu button on your controller, and then select Manage game & add-ons.; In the menu on the left side of the screen, scroll down to Saved Data, then highlight the saved ...
Deleting Saved Games (PC) - Fable: The Lost Chapters
21.01.2009 · Re: How i can delete a fable 2 game I dont know if theres another way but I just delete mine from the Xbox Setting's, Memory, Games, Fable 2, Profile "blah blah" pick which one... well I think thats the menu order not near my xbox atm. $
Delete Xbox 360 game save from cloud - Microsoft Community
27.11.2010 · My character slots are all full. I've deleted one from the 360's Memory and that freed up a spot. When I did that it saved all my old character's data in the slot even though I started a new character. I can't find a way to delete characters while in the game. Is there a way to delete a character slot with in the game? Maybe from the load screen or something?
zdeeboz WORKING Fable 2 Gamesave Hey guys so I was searching the internet trying to find a working games save. And I found nothing. They all either corrupted my profile so I had to restart of froze my xbox while trying to load the game. So I
For now, you have to go to the "Saved Games" folder in whatever your user folder is called (It should be on your C; drive) and delete the save and its backup. You'll have to do it while the game is running if you have the cloud sync on.
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Hi Spatchacatch, Thanks for your post. I understand you are experiencing issues saving your Fable 2 progress on your Xbox One. You may want to try a Factory Reset on your console, this will remove all profiles from your Xbox and correct any software issues that may be causing this behavior. When performing the factory reset, be sure to select the option to "Reset and keep my games & apps"
If you delete the CharacterPool folder, yes. However the savefiles are kept seperate in a clearly marked folder. The only way you can make this mistake is to just delete the entire XCOM 2 …
I figured out that I have to run the Fable III launcher Manualy as Steam client is unable to launch it and redownloading or verifying the game cach dosn't work. It looks like I have a curropted game so I need to delete the bad game save. Where do I find that? I installed the game on f: drive as C: is getting to full. All the paths are the same other than F: drive.
From what I gather there is no way to delete saves from cloud if the game itself doesn't provide save management which Fable 3 does not. I wanted to start a new game but i used up all 5 slots. Deleting the console saves only causes it to load the cloud saves.
08.01.2011 · i aint sure about making new saves as i only have two myself and to delete a hero save just go to the xbox memory bit on system settings go to hard drive or whatever you saved it onto (e.g. memory card) then go down to fable III click on it and it will have like hero 1 saved game, hero 2 saved game
30.11.2008 · How many files are you allowed to save on fable 2? I would test it myself, but i don't want to delete my pre-existing character. So can anyone tell me how many saved files you can have on fable 2?
In fable 2 when you press new game it comes up with the choise a it does not affect the game. In fable 1 however, you have to play as a boy. Is jack of blades going to be on Fable 2?
22.08.2020 · ok so i was doing a quest and it saved my game. so its in the process of saving and i get a message saying this disc is unreadable. so it automatucly
12.12.2011 · how do you delete a saved character in fable 3, I worked hard to get all the achivments(sp?) and I don't want to delete the whole fable 3 data, nor do I want to make another player, just in cause if I get a ahivment(sp?). I beaten the game with each character so it is boring so I …
27.11.2008 · how do you delete the update for fable 2 pub games i did the update for fable 2 pub games and now i cant glitch does anyone know how to delete the update please and thanks . V. Votuse Guest. Nov 26, 2008 #2 Re: how do you delete the update for fable 2 pub games im going to be mean.
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delete saved games on saints row 2 how to delete saved games on saints row 2 ? < > Showing 1-12 of 12 comments . Spaghetti_is_my_lady. Jan 22, 2014 @ 10:50am idk #1. sshortguy1. Jan 22, 2014 @ 12:50pm idk? #2 [V] IdolNinja Jan 22, 2014 @ 1:00pm You can find your SR2 saves ...
13.03.2002 · I always wanted to delete saved games within the game. Sometimes saved games folder gets very crowded. But you have to delete manually. It shouldn't be that hard to add a delete function to the save game menu. But it is not that hard to clean the folder manually either. :crazyeyes
13.04.2012 · C:\Users\