Cato and Glimmer?!!! - The Hunger Games Wiki | Fandom

Cato and Glimmer. Cato comes from District 2 and has been training for his entire life to win the Hunger Games. At age 16 (18 in the movie), he volunteers for the 74th Games and travels with his district partner, Clove, to the Capitol. Glimmer and Cato try to find a sense of purpose in the aftermath of the 74th Hunger Games. AU where Cato and Glimmer are recovered and saved to pave way for their roles in the rebellion. Language: "When we find her, I kill her my own way, and no one interferes." Cato was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games and one of the main antagonists of The Hunger Games due to being a Career Tribute. He is the leader of the Career alliance formed by tributes from Districts 1 and 2 "When we find her, I kill her my own way, and no one interferes." Cato was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games and one of the main antagonists of The Hunger Games due to being a Career Tribute. He is the leader of the Career alliance formed by tributes from Districts 1 and 2 20.05.2012 · I'm for Clato tbh but my friend ship Glato so I made this for her. It would be nice if SOME of you could show some respect instead of post stupid and mean comments but yeah. Twitter: https ... Cato/Glimmer (Hunger Games) - Works | Archive of Our Own Glimmer&Cato || The Hunger Games - YouTube Cato | TheHungerGamesFan Wiki | Fandom The Hunger Games Glimmer - Quotev Glimmer is the District 1 female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. She was a career tribute. She chose to use bow and arrows as her weapons during the bloodbath, but it is later revealed that she is incompetent at shooting. He was the only tribute in the 74th Hunger Games, aside from Katniss, who is confirmed to have volunteered for the Games. Cato was skilled with many weapons and proved this by scoring a 10 in his individual training, earning many sponsors in the process. 03.10.2020 · Glimmer of Hope: Cato’s Story is a The Hunger Games fanfic concerning Cato’s relationship with Glimmer before the events of the books.. Tropes that appear in this fanfic: Adaptation Expansion: The fanfic goes in depth regarding life in District 2, life in training for the Games, and life as a Peacekeeper.; Arranged Marriage: In District 2, … SPOILER ALERT She was not weak, it’s just that fans and Clato fans (haters) are judging her character too much on how she was portrayed in the movie. The Careers are not that well explained in the book really, but what we do know is that there are... 20.11.2015 · Maxim magazine has an interview with Leven Rambin, where she talks Hunger Games and is featured in some very sexy pics! Tell us about your role. I play Glimmer, one of the competitors. She has this crazy sexuality that she tries to manipulate people with, but once she gets into the arena she’s a vicious killing machine. 20.11.2015 · Maxim magazine has an interview with Leven Rambin, where she talks Hunger Games and is featured in some very sexy pics! Tell us about your role. I play Glimmer, one of the competitors. She has this crazy sexuality that she tries to manipulate people with, but once she gets into the arena she’s a vicious killing machine.SPOILER ALERT She was not weak, it’s just that fans and Clato fans (haters) are judging her character too much on how she was portrayed in the movie. The Careers are not that well explained in the book really, but what we do know is that there are...Glimmer was the female tribute from District 1 in the 74th Annual Hunger Games and one of the victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Glimmer is the female tribute from District 1, although it is unknown if she volunteered or was reaped in the games. Glimmer took part of the tribute parade along with her …Glimmer and Cato team up together during the 74th Hunger Games alongside the other Career tributes. Because they’re from Districts 1 and 2 respectively, they bond over their high class and expectations of succeeding during the games. RELATED: The Hunger Games: 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever DidGlimmer is from District One, the richest district. Actions During The 74th Hunger Games Edit. Glimmer stabs a female tribute to death during the Cornucopia Bloodbath and gains a bow & arrow. Glimmer's Demise Edit. Glimmer and the rest of the Careers chase Katniss into the woods and chase her up a tree.Mar 4, 2014 - Explore Natasha Lautner-Pattinson-Hutc's board "Marvel and Glimmer", followed by 196 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Hunger games, Hunger games series, Hunger games trilogy.He was the only tribute in the 74th Hunger Games, aside from Katniss, who is confirmed to have volunteered for the Games. Cato was skilled with many weapons and proved this by scoring a 10 in his individual training, earning many sponsors in the process.Team Glato (Glimmer and Cato) The Hunger Games. 780 likes · 1 talking about this. These is a fanpage for GLATO fans. Please respect this page like we respect yours. Thank You!Glimmer is the District 1 female tribute in the 74th Hunger Games. She was a career tribute. She chose to use bow and arrows as her weapons during the bloodbath, but it is later revealed that she is incompetent at shooting.24.03.2012 · Ok, so i watched the movie and it seemed like they were kinda flirting. I wish they told us something about that in the book. I though they looked good together. What do you thinkGlimmer:Glimmer is one of the tributes for the 74th Hunger Games. She is a career tribute along with Mavel, Cato, and Clove. In the book, it was described that she was painted sliver, but in the movie, she wore a hot pink head dress and a hot pink dress for the chariot parade. In the 74th Hunger Games, she outright kills two tributes (Marvel + Cato). However she technically kills 4 people (Marvel, Glimmer, the girl from District 4, and Cato). What are the main ...Nov 6, 2015 - cato, clove, glimmer, katniss everdeen, marvel, peeta melark, the hunger games, the carrersNov 6, 2015 - cato, clove, glimmer, katniss everdeen, marvel, peeta melark, the hunger games, the carrersThe Hunger Games movies and books showed us a world, which we do not wish to live in. Katniss showed us just how far will power could take you even when faced with hard times. Do you consider yourself a big fan? The quiz below is all about The Hunger Games and is designed to help you see just how much you remember about it.Romance Cato Love Story Cato District 4 District 2 Hunger Games ... The Hunger Games Careers Marvel Clove Glimmer Katniss Everdeen Peeta Mellark Love Story Crashing I never expected me, Emilia Streak, to volunteer for my best friend for the 74th Hunger Games.There is not a traitor in the hunger games. There are only enemies like Glimmer, Cato, Clove and most of the career pack and the other contestant's.The Hunger Games Movie; Glimmer. Glimmer is a girl from District 1 which is the district that makes diamonds for the capital. That means that she was wealthy and well fed (the opposite of Katniss) which might give her a slight advantage in the games. She joins the group with Cato and Clove and carries a bow and arrow ...3. Only Hunger Games projects 4. Be nice 5. Please be kind with patience and understanding, and no bossiness! 6. Have Hunger Games Fun!! Anyway let's get into the Hunger Games! The Hunger Games is a anual fight to the death, due to the Capitals hunt for power, and 'justice'.The Hunger Games is a book and movie franchise. 1 Plot 2 Characters 3 Ships 3.1 Het 3.2 Slash 3.3 Femslash 4 Fandom 5 List The Hunger Games Each year, for 74 years, the Hunger Games have taken place, forcing 24 children from 12 districts between the ages of 12-18 to kill each other as punishment...Cato. Cato, from District 2, is the strongest and most threatening male tribute in the Hunger Games. He is Katniss's main competition. Cato is a Career Tribute from one of the wealthiest districts in Panem, who has trained his whole life for the glory of the Games.
Cato - Villains Wiki - villains, bad guys, comic books, anime

Cato and Glimmer. The Real Story. Fanfiction. Everyone knows The Hunger Games. The brutal bloody fight to the death. Everyone in Panem knows the story of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. The star-crossed lovers of district 12. His public proclamation of love for her. Her surprise and shocked... #cato #fanfic #glimmer #hunger-games Why Glimmer has to bat her lashes at Cato. Why Cato has to flirt back. Why Clove doesn't try to stop Cato. I asked Clove once, in the first night of our alliance. "If you love Cato, why don't you get his attention? Glimmer's taking him away from you--" She cut me off with a glance that seems fatal. "This is The Hunger Games, dolt. The Hunger Games "May the odds be ever in your favor." - Effie Trinket: Glimmer. Name: Marvel Age: 17 Volunteered Yes or No: Marvel did not volunteer Score in private session: 9 Allies: Glimmer, Peeta, Clove, Cato Means of death: Arrow shot from ...
Hunger Games Letters - Cato and Glimmer - Wattpad

This is the 74th Hunger Games from the perspectives of the tributes from District 2: Cato and Clove. This is a retelling-- not an alternate ending (which I might do next) 15.05.2012 · Ok, I ship Cato and Clove and Cato and Glimmer. It was so abvious Glimmer had a thing for Cato. But, not so obvious that Clove did. I think the book wanted us to ship Cato and Clove because of the rule change. For them, it was a win/win. Actually, in real life, the actors that played Cato and Glimmer are dating. 03.10.2020 · Glimmer of Hope: Cato’s Story is a The Hunger Games fanfic concerning Cato’s relationship with Glimmer before the events of the books.. Tropes that appear in this fanfic: Adaptation Expansion: The fanfic goes in depth regarding life in District 2, life in training for the Games, and life as a Peacekeeper.; Arranged Marriage: In District 2, …
Glimmer - Villains Wiki - villains, bad guys, comic books ...

This is the 74th Hunger Games from the perspectives of the tributes from District 2: Cato and Clove. This is a retelling-- not an alternate ending (which I might do next) 24.03.2012 · Yes!!! I read that The Hunger Games and I don't remember them ever having that relationship. Like wtf Cato was a killing machine and all he cared about was winning, why would he be flirting and cuddling? Glimmer was annoying. Home Community Books Hunger Games Glimmer and Cato. Glimmer and Cato. Follow. Focus: Books Hunger Games, Since: 04-07-12. Founder: DazzlinnnGirl - Stories: 10 - Followers: 0 - Staff: 1 - id: 99450 GLATO forever Beauty From The Ashes by Don't Call Me Sparkles ...
Marvel's One True Desire: Glimmer - The Hunger Games - Fanpop

06.04.2020 · Glimmer and Cato team up together during the 74th Hunger Games alongside the other Career tributes. Because they’re from Districts 1 and 2 respectively, they bond over their high class and expectations of succeeding during the games. RELATED: The Hunger Games: 10 Most Selfless Things Katniss Ever Did List of The Hunger Games characters - Wikipedia 19.03.2015 · If I Die Young (Glimmer and Cato)-The Hunger Games margaerytyrxll. Loading ... Cato & Clove // The Hunger Games - Duration: 4:00. SHM. 40,692 views. 4:00. Tiktok try not to laugh challenge ... Mar 4, 2014 - Explore Natasha Lautner-Pattinson-Hutc's board "Marvel and Glimmer", followed by 196 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about Hunger games, Hunger games series, Hunger games trilogy. Team Glato (Glimmer and Cato) The Hunger Games. 780 likes · 1 talking about this. These is a fanpage for GLATO fans. Please respect this page like we respect yours. Thank You! cool science games for 6th graders fk the game hilariously social party game Romance Cato Love Story Cato District 4 District 2 Hunger Games ... The Hunger Games Careers Marvel Clove Glimmer Katniss Everdeen Peeta Mellark Love Story Crashing I never expected me, Emilia Streak, to volunteer for my best friend for the 74th Hunger Games. 24.03.2012 · Ok, so i watched the movie and it seemed like they were kinda flirting. I wish they told us something about that in the book. I though they looked good together. What do you think In the 74th Hunger Games, she outright kills two tributes (Marvel + Cato). However she technically kills 4 people (Marvel, Glimmer, the girl from District 4, and Cato). What are the main ... Glimmer was the female tribute from District 1 in the 74th Annual Hunger Games and one of the victors of the 74th Hunger Games. Glimmer is the female tribute from District 1, although it is unknown if she volunteered or was reaped in the games. Glimmer took part of the tribute parade along with her … Nov 6, 2015 - cato, clove, glimmer, katniss everdeen, marvel, peeta melark, the hunger games, the carrers Glimmer:Glimmer is one of the tributes for the 74th Hunger Games. She is a career tribute along with Mavel, Cato, and Clove. In the book, it was described that she was painted sliver, but in the movie, she wore a hot pink head dress and a hot pink dress for the chariot parade. 3. Only Hunger Games projects 4. Be nice 5. Please be kind with patience and understanding, and no bossiness! 6. Have Hunger Games Fun!! Anyway let's get into the Hunger Games! The Hunger Games is a anual fight to the death, due to the Capitals hunt for power, and 'justice'. There is not a traitor in the hunger games. There are only enemies like Glimmer, Cato, Clove and most of the career pack and the other contestant's. The Hunger Games "May the odds be ever in your favor." - Effie Trinket: Glimmer. Name: Marvel Age: 17 Volunteered Yes or No: Marvel did not volunteer Score in private session: 9 Allies: Glimmer, Peeta, Clove, Cato Means of death: Arrow shot from ... The Hunger Games movies and books showed us a world, which we do not wish to live in. Katniss showed us just how far will power could take you even when faced with hard times. Do you consider yourself a big fan? The quiz below is all about The Hunger Games and is designed to help you see just how much you remember about it. Cato. Cato, from District 2, is the strongest and most threatening male tribute in the Hunger Games. He is Katniss's main competition. Cato is a Career Tribute from one of the wealthiest districts in Panem, who has trained his whole life for the glory of the Games. 15.10.2020 · Cato kneels beside Clove, spear in hand, begging her to stay with him. In a moment, he will realize it's futile, she can't be saved.” ― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games The Hunger Games (2012) Leven Rambin as Glimmer. Glimmer : [after seeing Cato fall from the tree while chasing Katniss] I'll do it myself. [she shoots an arrow and misses] Team Glato (Glimmer and Cato) The Hunger Games. 785 likes. These is a fanpage for GLATO fans. Please respect this page like we respect yours. Thank You! 07.01.2020 · Considering the entire Hunger Games series focuses on children being forced to kill other children, it isn’t exactly surprising that we get a few absolutely brutal moments along the way. These films had no chill. Whether they’re through direct actions in the Games themselves, accidental death at the hands of Katniss’ resistance or a result of Snow's brutal government, the series presents ... The Hunger Games Cato and Glimmer? | Yahoo Answers Search Hunger Games Spear Cato. Visit & Look Up Quick Results Now On!28.03.2013 · Read Cato and Glimmer from the story Hunger Games Letters by animalpeople26 (XEF) with 175 reads. hunger, letters, games. Glimmer, Cato here, I was wondering i...Why Glimmer has to bat her lashes at Cato. Why Cato has to flirt back. Why Clove doesn't try to stop Cato. I asked Clove once, in the first night of our alliance. "If you love Cato, why don't you get his attention? Glimmer's taking him away from you--" She cut me off with a glance that seems fatal. "This is The Hunger Games, dolt.Cato spotted Clove meeting up with Marvel and Glimmer and jogged over to them. He caught up with them just as they were sitting down. Looking around the room he couldn't help but feel confident that he had a good chance of doing what he came to the Capital to do. Win the Hunger Games.15.05.2012 · Ok, I ship Cato and Clove and Cato and Glimmer. It was so abvious Glimmer had a thing for Cato. But, not so obvious that Clove did. I think the book wanted us to ship Cato and Clove because of the rule change. For them, it was a win/win. Actually, in real life, the actors that played Cato and Glimmer are dating.25.01.2014 · Cato and Glimmer. The Real Story. Fanfiction. Everyone knows The Hunger Games. The brutal bloody fight to the death. Everyone in Panem knows the story of Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. The star-crossed lovers of district 12. His public proclamation of love for her. Her surprise and shocked... #cato #fanfic #glimmer #hunger-games