The 30 Best Video Game Franchises of All Time, As Ranked ...

Here are the ten current highest-grossing video game franchises of all-time. Try not to let your jaw hang too low when you reach the top five, though. Oh, and if you are one of the many spirited developers in training, try not to let this discourage you from getting out there and crafting a story of your own. 29.05.2020 · Taking nothing away from the original, pioneering Gran Turismo – the best-selling PlayStation game of all time and the godfather of all console racing sims – Gran Turismo 2 was everything the ... 05.03.2018 · 25 of the Best Video Game Storylines of All Time. A powerful, heartfelt storyline can often make the difference between an OK video game and a truly memorable experience. 10.06.2016 · While I haven't played every single fighting game ever made, here's a list of my top ten fighting game franchises of all time. Mortal Kombat (Midway, Williams Entertainment, Warner Bros.) 26.03.2017 · Top 15 Highest Grossing Video Game Franchises Of All Time. ... The series is released annually as with most sports game franchises and features the world’s best footballers. Unfortunately, due to EA’s licensing deals players, teams, ... but when you realize that Wii Sports is Nintendo’s highest selling game of all time, ... 30 Best Video Game Franchises of All Time The Best-Selling Videogame Franchises of All Time - Paste The Best Video Game Franchises Of All Time - The Versed 10 Best-Selling Video Game Franchises of all Time ... This much loved video game franchise sparks warm nostalgia into millions of video game fans worldwide, for this reason Sonic makes it onto my list of 5 greatest Video game franchises of all time. Best selling game - Sonic the Hedgehog 1991 (15 million units) Unlike other popular video games, the ones appearing in our list of the best-selling video game franchises of all time are far from one-hit-wonders. Entire series have been created, impacting ... 50 Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time show list info. You do not need to have owned a game, only to have played the game. Spin-offs ... 200 Most Famous People of All Time. 41,476 200 2000s Kids TV Shows. 5,601 144 100 Famous People. 39,321 100 The Ultimate List of ... 09.03.2017 · This is a list of the highest-grossing video game franchises that have grossed at least $1 billion in revenue. List. At least ... (including all media) Video games – $1 billion; Films – $88 million; ZeniMax Media: PC Shooter ... List of best-selling video game franchises; List of highest-grossing media franchises; Final Thoughts On The Best Video Game Franchises Of All Time. So there you have it, 10 of the best video game franchises of all time. Whether they sold immense numbers of copies, broke new ground, or caused Congress to panic, each game on this list plays an important role in the history of video games. Best Video Game Franchises of all time. By. Sarthak Malik - August 30, 2017. 0. As gamers, we all have great memories of some great games that we played in our childhood or some modern ones with great visuals and breath-taking action sequences and storylines.7 Best Video Game Franchises Of All Time. Alex Osborn Monday, April 22, 2013. Some gamers find themselves loyal to a particular platform. Others to specific publishers, genres, or development ...This much loved video game franchise sparks warm nostalgia into millions of video game fans worldwide, for this reason Sonic makes it onto my list of 5 greatest Video game franchises of all time. Best selling game - Sonic the Hedgehog 1991 (15 million units)This is a list of best-selling computer and video game franchises that have sold at least 5 million copies. Unless otherwise stated, numbers indicate worldwide units sold, ordered alphabetically whenever two or more list the same amount. The exception are the ones specifying shipments, which have lower precedence than others listing sales.07.05.2010 · Halo has landed at the top of the Guinness World Records’ list of the 50 greatest video game franchises of all time.All the games on the list were voted on by gamers, but I never saw a survey, I didn't get to vote. Where's my vote! Thats okay though since …05.02.2016 · Best Deals. Esports; Pop Culture; News; Top Five Most Milked Video Game Franchises of All Time. By Sarmad Lillah Feb 5, 2016 Feb 5, 2016 Share. Share. Copy.The global video game industry makes bank — grossing an estimated $152 billion in 2019. And just like Hollywood, the video game world has some trusty franchises they can rely on for steady revenue. The data visualization experts at TitleMax, looking at stats from Wikipedia, crunched the numbers and charted out which franchises have been the most lucrative for the gaming industry and created ...While games tend to sell a lot more nowadays thanks to a larger reach and better consumer approach, there’s no denying that there are some best-selling video game franchises that have managed to stand the test of time and deliver massive sales all the time.The Five Best FPS Franchises Of All Time Aiden Mason 2 years ago Over the 21st century, the first-person shooter genre has become known for epic firefights, massive explosions, and awesome vehicles.Final Thoughts On The Best Video Game Franchises Of All Time. So there you have it, 10 of the best video game franchises of all time. Whether they sold immense numbers of copies, broke new ground, or caused Congress to panic, each game on this list plays an important role in the history of video games.50 Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time show list info. You do not need to have owned a game, only to have played the game. Spin-offs ... 200 Most Famous People of All Time. 41,476 200 2000s Kids TV Shows. 5,601 144 100 Famous People. 39,321 100 The Ultimate List of ... Greatest Video Game Franchises of All-Time. by: Jason Zingale ( and Jason Thompson ( 05/12/06. Movies Home / Entertainment Channel / Bullz-Eye Home. The annual E3 conference is the biggest video game convention in the world, and for three days each year, big-time video game companies and game developers show off the best of what’s to come.Unlike other popular video games, the ones appearing in our list of the best-selling video game franchises of all time are far from one-hit-wonders. Entire series have been created, impacting ...Unlike other popular video games, the ones appearing in our list of the best-selling video game franchises of all time are far from one-hit-wonders. Entire series have been created, impacting ...There are video games, and then there are video game franchises. In an industry as tumultuous as gaming, it takes a special breed of game to experience such a degree of success. Plenty of games get sequels but far fewer go on to become successful franchises. These 10 are the cream of the crop. The best of the best.7 Best Video Game Franchises Of All Time. ... and try out new concepts all thanks to additional funding. Now I won't deny that some series have taken a turn for the worst, but I'm feeling optimistic today, so let's take a look at some of the greatest franchises gaming has to offer.23.05.2016 · The videogame industry is built on franchises. Whether it's Lara Croft, Mario or Madden, franchises dominate store shelves. Though some may complain that there are …These are some of the 10 Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time. 1. Super Mario 34 Games, 290 260 000 units. Super Mario Bros. (NES) – 40,24 M New Super Mario Bros. (DS) – 28, 47 M New Super Mario Bros. (WII) – 25, 77 M Super Mario World. (SNES)- 20, 61 M Super Mario Land (GB)- 18,14…The best video game franchises of all time Ranked by Fans. ... I judged it pretty harshly last time and now officially playing it, none of my opinions changed. The boards are generic and boring, its like they threw in any character they could think of just for the lols, ...The Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time. The Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time. Nat B 7 years ago. Prev Article Next Article . When I play a video game I never really stop to think about how big a franchise is or how much money the video game makes.I asked System Wars to vote for the greatest video game franchises of all time, and boy, did you guys deliver. With over 150 votes gathered, spread out for 74 franchises represented, it was clear ...
The Top 50 Highest-Grossing Video Game Franchises

50 Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time - Page 2 show list info. You do not need to have owned a game, only to ... 76 Best Board Games of All Time. 336,444 76 The Ultimate List of Disney Characters. 286,812 176 200 Most Famous People of All Time. 41,174 ... 23.09.2016 · Widely considered to be one of the best sequels of all time, Aliens has been the benchmark for most spin-offs from the franchise. Hundreds of comic books, novels, and video games use the battle as the backdrop for their adventures. Sadly, Alien(s) doesn’t quite make our top ten due to the weakness of subsequent movies. British newspaper The Independent has published a list of what it claims are the top twenty best selling video games franchises of all-time, topped by Nintendo's seminal Mario, and with Madden NFL ...
List of Best Selling Video Game Franchises 2020 (Top 15 ...

15.10.2020 · RELATED: The 10 Best Games In The Super Mario Franchise Ranked ... This idea would go on to give birth to one of the longest-running and most successful video game franchises of all time. The Top 50 Video Game Franchises Of All Time, Voted By Gamers. Mike Fahey. 5/06/10 12:40PM ... So, with that, we here at BabbleTop wanted to break down the top 15 Video Game Franchises of All-Time in the hopes of finding the perfect balance between the amount of money it’s generated, the longevity of the franchise and how unique it was at the time it was first released.
Top 15 Video Game Franchises of All-Time | BabbleTop

According to the thousands of people who registered their votes on Ranker, here are the 5 best video game franchises of all time. 5. Grand Theft Auto. 4. MarioKart. 3. Super Smash Bros. 2. The Legend of Zelda. 1. 06.06.2019 · Popularity isn’t a sign of quality. Some of the best games ever bombed at retail, and some of the best-selling games of all time aren’t worth the storage space they’d take up on your hard drive. The Mass Effect trilogy may well represent some of the best video game storytelling of all time. What the game does so well is put choice at its forefront. This is no more evident than in the second game where the decisions you make will literally decide who lives and plays a part in Mass Effect three.
The Top 50 Video Game Franchises Of All Time, Voted By Gamers

11.01.2016 · While games tend to sell a lot more nowadays thanks to a larger reach and better consumer approach, there’s no denying that there are some best-selling video game franchises that have managed to stand the test of time and deliver massive sales all the time. List of highest-grossing video game franchises - Wikipedia The Most Successful Video Game Franchises Of All Time By Revenue, Visualized Digg Mar 24, 2020 @13:06 PM · Updated: Mar 24, 2020 @13:30 PM. The global video game industry makes bank — grossing an estimated $152 billion in 2019. And just like Hollywood, ... There are video games, and then there are video game franchises. In an industry as tumultuous as gaming, it takes a special breed of game to experience such a degree of success. Plenty of games get sequels but far fewer go on to become successful franchises. These 10 are the cream of the crop. The best of the best. 05.12.2006 · The videogame industry is built on franchises. Whether it's Lara Croft, Mario or Madden, franchises dominate store shelves. Though some may complain that there are too many sequels, many of the ... forza horizon 3 full game download for android watch the hunger games 2013 online free 7 Best Video Game Franchises Of All Time. ... and try out new concepts all thanks to additional funding. Now I won't deny that some series have taken a turn for the worst, but I'm feeling optimistic today, so let's take a look at some of the greatest franchises gaming has to offer. The Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time. The Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time. Nat B 7 years ago. Prev Article Next Article . When I play a video game I never really stop to think about how big a franchise is or how much money the video game makes. 11.01.2016 · Other Mario games: 14.7042 million units — So there’s our countdown of the best-selling video game franchises ever. Did this top 10 list bring back any memories? Have you played most of these best-selling franchises? If so, let us know on Twitter and Facebook. Greatest Video Game Franchises of All-Time. by: Jason Zingale ( and Jason Thompson ( 05/12/06. Movies Home / Entertainment Channel / Bullz-Eye Home. The annual E3 conference is the biggest video game convention in the world, and for three days each year, big-time video game companies and game developers show off the best of what’s to come. 06.09.2019 · 10 Best Video Game Trilogies Of All Time (According To Metacritic) We've uncovered the greatest video game trilogies of all time, using their Metacritic score to rank them. These are some of the 10 Best Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time. 1. Super Mario 34 Games, 290 260 000 units. Super Mario Bros. (NES) – 40,24 M New Super Mario Bros. (DS) – 28, 47 M New Super Mario Bros. (WII) – 25, 77 M Super Mario World. (SNES)- 20, 61 M Super Mario Land (GB)- 18,14… Best selling game: Pokémon Red/Blue/Green, 28.64 million copies sold. 1. Mario . Nintendo’s poster boy isn’t just the most recognizable video game character of all time, he’s also the best selling. The Five Best FPS Franchises Of All Time Aiden Mason 2 years ago Over the 21st century, the first-person shooter genre has become known for epic firefights, massive explosions, and awesome vehicles. Now let’s read about the best selling most profitable video game franchises of all the time: 2018 rankings.Insider Monkey’s compilation will give you excellent reviews. It does not matter whether you are a console gamer or a PC gamer, in this list, we will talk about most popular video games of all time spanning both the video game consoles and the video games … 07.05.2010 · Halo has landed at the top of the Guinness World Records’ list of the 50 greatest video game franchises of all time.All the games on the list were voted on by gamers, but I never saw a survey, I didn't get to vote. Where's my vote! Thats okay though since I pretty much agree with everything on the list. The best video game franchises of all time Ranked by Fans. ... I judged it pretty harshly last time and now officially playing it, none of my opinions changed. The boards are generic and boring, its like they threw in any character they could think of just for the lols, ... 28.06.2018 · More than 200 games have come from Mario, grossing an estimated revenue of $26.2 billion, making it the fifth highest-grossing franchise of all-time. Here are the best-selling game franchises of all-time: I asked System Wars to vote for the greatest video game franchises of all time, and boy, did you guys deliver. With over 150 votes gathered, spread out for 74 franchises represented, it was clear ... Can you name the best selling video game franchises of all time? Can you name the best selling video game franchises of all time? Test your knowledge on this gaming quiz to see how you do and compare your score to others. Quiz by Escaho. play quizzes ad-free. Random Quiz. Quizzes. Playlists ... 07.09.2018 · In the meantime, please enjoy this ranking of the 30 longest-running video games franchises since the advent of the medium. Some of the games you will see here are obvious classics, but we are convinced that you will notice some outliers which have flown under the radar for a long, long time. 30 Madden NFL (1988) - 36 Games Best selling game franchises - Video Game Sales Wiki ... 25.07.2017 · The top 30 video game franchises of all time as ranked by users on ranker. ... Top 10 Best Selling Video Game Franchises - Duration: 12:21. Creeps Plays 22,777 views. 12: · According to the thousands of people who registered their votes on Ranker, here are the 30 best video game franchises of all time. ADVERTISEMENT. Thanks for watching! Visit Website.24.02.2020 · The Top 10 Best-Selling Video Game Franchises of All Time 1. Pokémon — $90 billion. The highest-grossing video game franchise may have earned most of its money from merchandising, but Pokémon Red/Green/Blue/Yellow still ranks seventh among the top-selling video games of all time, topping out at 47,520,000 copies. 2. Mario — $30.25 billion17.01.2020 · First launched in 1981, Mario has reached the highest level of the franchise list of video games. Some of the most famous series of the game are Super Mario, Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Sport, and other launches. It has even expended in other game genres including puzzles, racing, role playing etc.So, with that, we here at BabbleTop wanted to break down the top 15 Video Game Franchises of All-Time in the hopes of finding the perfect balance between the amount of money it’s generated, the longevity of the franchise and how unique it was at the time it was first released.The Top 50 Video Game Franchises Of All Time, Voted By Gamers. Mike Fahey. 5/06/10 12:40PM ...